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94 ex shocks


Well-Known Member
September 7, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer xlt
hey it's time to replace the shocks on my 94xlt. i was hoping for the rancho rs5000 but it seems as though this type will not fit the front end, only the rear. i know nothing about shocks, but because monroe makes rancho, does this also mean the reflex will not fit the front end as well? does rancho make any other medium priced shocks that will fit my ex? if not, does anyone know some other reliable options? id like the same brand and model on all four wheels. my ex is stock, no lift, not planning to. also, anyone know a good place to get some springs for the front and leafs for the back? those things are a ***** to find. thanks!!

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I had monroe sens-a-tracs on my truck before i lifted it. I had 31x10.50s on 15x8 steel wheels and they seemed to be the perfect shock for that application. They were just enough dampening for the unsprung weight of those tires. They may be a little harsh for stock wheels and tires, but they are great shocks. They came with a lifetime warrenty when i bought them, but that was a few years ago.

it's be great to have a step-by-step on front replacement, as mine are bad, and i wonder should i fix it myself.

...i would just worry about shearing off the mounting bolts for the shocks ( start soaking them with pb-blaster or liquid wrench ) ...i think doorman makes replacement studs for them but not sure as to the name or make of them ...pm maniack (mark the moderator ) i know he's talked about this subject before in the past on the forum .
