94 Navajo. pics and questions.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 Navajo. pics and questions..


January 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Navajo 4.0 Auto.
just picked it up for 200.





now the questions. one. it's an auto matic. will explorer trans fit in here? if so what years,

2 the tranny lines need replaced, anywhere to get these from, autozone and advance both have no listing..


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Try Rock Auto.com. Looks like a nice buy for $200.

91-94 Navajos are just 91-94 Ford Explorers with slightly different headlights, grille, taillamps, and emblems. They both received the same transmissions. Any 91-94 trans from an Explorer will be a direct swap. Later automatics can work too.

The actual factory replacement lines would likely have been a dealer item. You could always ask (we have forum vendors who are Ford dealers and could search for such parts), but you may have to just make your own line from standard rolled line sold at auto parts stores or online.

Nice Navajo for $200

91-94 Navajos are just 91-94 Ford Explorers with slightly different headlights, grille, taillamps, and emblems. They both received the same transmissions. Any 91-94 trans from an Explorer will be a direct swap. Later automatics can work too.

The actual factory replacement lines would likely have been a dealer item. You could always ask (we have forum vendors who are Ford dealers and could search for such parts), but you may have to just make your own line from standard rolled line sold at auto parts stores or online.

what members are ford dealers? :)
