95 EX Temp Issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 EX Temp Issues


April 28, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix az
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 explorer
OK so i have searched all over and have not found a solution. I have a 95 Ex 4.0 and i just purchased it and the temp gauge is below (C) and if i unplug the temp sensor with one wire and ground it, it does nothing, and if i mess with the other sensor it does nothing either... so my question now is it the gauge itself that is bad? I mean i pulled the cluster out and when i disconnect the cluster it goes to just below (C) like when you turn off the truck, and when i plug it in, it goes way below (C) :thumbdwn: Any help is appreciated

Oh and the CHECK GAUGE light is blinking while i drive? I know the truck isnt overheating or anything i put in an aftermarket temp gauge just to check and make sure its not hot.

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Already pulled the damn codes and they have nothing to do with the temp gauge...
337/EGR feedback is/was high
565/Canister purge 1 solenoid circuit failure

and the check engine light is now off since i fixed both issues... and so the "CHECK GAUGE" light blinks like every 5-10 sec

oh and its a 95 ex so i cant just use and OBD2 reader its OBD1 so its manual check codes so ya that link wont help me anyways if it was the check engine light....

I mean i pulled the cluster out and when i disconnect the cluster it goes to just below (C) like when you turn off the truck, and when i plug it in, it goes way below (C)

Polarity issue somewhere?

To clarify: + on - OR vice versa?

One good thing about the 4.0 OHV is you very rarely hear about one running hot.

Being that you're in Phoenix AZ, you'd know pretty quick if that was the case ;)

New temp sensor's run from $3.50 to $20 at Rock Auto

Link: https://www.rockauto.com/catalog/raframecatalog.php?ck

thats what i thought too but i cant seem to find any place or reason for it to be that way... the sensor for the gauge is the one with 2 wires going to it or 1 wire i know there are 2 sensors one for the computer and one for the gauge... maybe i will just go to a junk yard and get a gauge in the next few weeks..

I hear you and understand.

Well - lets hope that someone here has experienced the same issue and has a proven solution :)

And like I said - if anything the 4.0 OHV is a cool runner.

When it's hot out (PRK or AZ kind of hot), and the engines fan clutch kicks in, there are times it sounds like an airplane on takeoff!

ya, i am going to just assume that its just the gauge... and i will just go to a junk yard when i can and i will post an update...
