95 wheel bearings and brakes, help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 wheel bearings and brakes, help!


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2003
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City, State
Monroe, Mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport 4.0
well i'm about to tackle my brakes and wheel bearings... i did some searches and wasn't satisfied with my results.... any tips or tools or tricks that might help me would be greatly appreciated.... i hope i'm not getting in over my head on this one... thnx guys

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No special tools needed to do the brakes... Just take the cap off the brake fluid reservoir and use a clamp to push the caliper pistions back in so the new pads will fit.

Are you replacing front or rear wheel bearings? If your truck is 4x4 you can't replace the front wheel bearings. The whole hub/spindle assembly has to be replaced.

yeah the back are no problem, i've done my pads a few times, i should have been more specific... i'm doin the front... so i have to replace the whole assembley? is it pretty difficult to get off?

Its fairly easy to take off, you just have to take the nut off the halfshaft and theres three bolts that hold the assembly on.

The hub/spindle assembly is expensive though, around $100.

do you have to replace the assembly when you do the front brakes? I am at about 50% wear on mine, and plan on doing something in the next month or so.

No, you don't have to replace the whole front spindle assy when doing the brakes. That's only for replacing the bearings. You can replace just the pads if the brake disc is still smooth and not warped, or you can replace the pads and the brake disc without having to replace the hubs.

thnx for the help guys... i feel confident enough to do them... i will go buy the assembely... and it will give me a better idea of what i'm taking apart :)

Originally posted by Tat2dExploder
thnx for the help guys... i feel confident enough to do them... i will go buy the assembely... and it will give me a better idea of what i'm taking apart :)

i've got some digital photos of the hub assembly install i did on my 95 sport a few weeks ago.....pm me with email and i can sent 'em to ya.....i can't seem to figure out how to 'shrunk' the size so i can upload on villagephotos.com

Originally posted by JDraper
No, you don't have to replace the whole front spindle assy when doing the brakes. That's only for replacing the bearings. You can replace just the pads if the brake disc is still smooth and not warped, or you can replace the pads and the brake disc without having to replace the hubs.

Don't forget to resurface the rotors. Most places will turn rotors for free. I know Autozone & Advance auto does around here. Just pull them off and take 'em over there.

Originally posted by Blee1099
Don't forget to resurface the rotors. Most places will turn rotors for free. I know Autozone & Advance auto does around here. Just pull them off and take 'em over there.

good point - i pull all new rotors and pads on at the same time !
