96 Explorer Transfer Case Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 Explorer Transfer Case Problem


January 30, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Baltimore MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
04Limited175K 96XLT285K
I have a 96 explorer XLT 4.0 V6 that had been making a small noise and felt like the transfer case was still engaged for 2 days. Driving at 40 mph for 2 days it would slip and make a high pitched revving noise.

Yesterday, about a mile from my house it stopped moving all together, and grinded when I tried to put it in park. The only way I could get it to move was putting it in 4LO to get it home. I saw a post earler that said the initial problem could be a bent shift fork in the transfer case.

I wanted to see anyones thoughts on this and if anyone else had a similar experience. If so do I need to drop the transfer case completely. and about how long/intensive a fix would it be.

Thanks for your help,


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You have to drop the rear and front driveshaft connected to the transfer case, loosen the five 13mm bolts, use a 11mm socket to remove the speedo gear (or you'll break it when it swings down and hit the corner of gas tank) and remove the wiring connectors remove all five bolts let it swing down, pull out and read the "transfer case diary" for rebuilding or replace it with a good one. Might take you about 2 hours first time, it took me 20 minutes the fourth time. Very simple rebuild because not much parts in it. I had to use a 99 front halve and guts with my 95/96 rear halve because I cannot find a decent 95/96 unit. I did not expect good result but it runs so quiet and perfect I am still amazed. Good luck!:thumbsup:

Yeah, I did mine a few months back...EXACT same symptoms. I drained some fluid from the transfer case to begin my diagnosis, and found the fluid to be full of small bits of white plastic (the shift fork bushings). I would not waste too much time at the salvage yard, unless you can find one with LOW miles and a warranty. Rebuild it yourself, or get a re-manufactured unit off the net.

Mine is shot stuck in 4x4 low. Changed the t-case motor. With no differance. Check yours

Sounds like internal transfer case problem.

So I pulled it out in an hour with the use of 2 forklifts to jack it up so I had more than enough room to get it out. I sent it to a buddy that rebuilds transmissions as his job. He said it is so far gone that it is beyond repair. When I pulled it down there was no oil left in it, but I had never seen it leak before, so it must have been dry for awhile. The Junkyard here wants 300 for a used one and a rebuilt one is 785. I wanted to see if anyone here had a Borg warner 4405 they wanted to get rid of or knew of a place that I could get a good deal from. Also in my searching the tag reads 4405 07. does the 07 matter?

Thanks for the help

If you in a hurry bite the bullet and a rebuilt unit or get the upgraded parts at omega and they'll comes up to about 600-900.00 range. I couldn't put that much down for my Ex since it already drained me out thousands on the tranny jobs. That's why I went ahead and paid less than a hundred bucks for a 99 TC and just went for the modification and it worked.

So I ended up getting that one off of Craigslist. Thanks for the information. I put it in Tuesday and its good as new. Well except for the shot cv joints from running it home in 4lo(those are next on the list with seafoaming the fuel because it sat for almost a month). Thanks for the help guys.

