96 ranger 4x4 Lowering | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 ranger 4x4 Lowering


March 24, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
west ,pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Ranger XLT 96 4X4
I have a 96 Ranger 3.0L 4x4 i whant to drop it 2-3 in the front and back too because its 4wd i cant find a kit but i will like to try make my own. Can i put a Lowering Coil Springs -2=3" drop on the without damage any front components when try to do this? i know the back of the truck is easy. Thanks for the help

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Since your going to make one. Why not put in a solid axle in the front and do a air bag suspension replacement. I asked on Ranger power sports and they thought I was crazy. But I have a 98 ranger

my 96 Ranger is a solid axle in the front

why would you do this? Sell the truck. Go buy a 2WD instead.

I also have 4 wheel drive and I would like to drop it every once in a while. That why I suggested the full air bag suspension,adjustable. I have a 98 with torsion bars and it rides crappy. I use my 4wd a couple of times a month on the beach, the rest of the time is highway going to work.

I have a 96 Ranger 3.0L 4x4 i whant to drop it 2-3 in the front and back too because its 4wd i cant find a kit but i will like to try make my own. Can i put a Lowering Coil Springs -2=3" drop on the without damage any front components when try to do this? i know the back of the truck is easy. Thanks for the help

While I agree that for what you want a 2wd truck would be better, here are some reasons why this is a bad idea. The stock front suspension on a '96 is called a "Twin Traction Beam" (or TTB). The camber on this type of suspension is not adjustable (I have heard of bushings that can correct this to some degree) and as such, the kind of drop that you are talking about would really trash the camber angle. This means that your steering will likely be affected and you will be guaranteed to rapidly wear out the inside edge of your tires. Now you mention that you have a solid axle, which means that you or whoever you bought your truck from would have had to rip out the TTB and install a solid axle. If this is the case, my comments about camber do not apply.

The 2wd rangers (up to '97) have similar suspension set up. When one of these is lowered, a new "beam" is installed with the wheel spindle moved up in relation to the other suspension components and use stock coils springs, if I am not mistaken. This method cannot be used on 4wd trucks.
