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'96 Tranny Troubles


Well-Known Member
December 2, 2002
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City, State
Grundy, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
OK, I've been having a problem with my X's tranny not wanting to go into drive from neutral and hesitating/ slipping as it shifts into 3rd gear. I finally broke down and took it in for diagnostics and it showed a bad gear ratio possibly from an open circuit in the harness, selenoid trouble, or PCM gone bad. My mechanic then called the tranny shop and they told him it was most likely the valve body gasket but they recommended a full rebuild ($1500) and it being brought to their shop by rollback. I stated I didn't want to do a full rebuild due to cost, well the tranny guy was reluctant but finally said he could do a full service and replace the gasket for around $250 to $300.

Is this guy just trying to rip me off or what? I've been driving the X with the "slip" for a few weeks now, why does it suddenly have to be put on a rollback???

Anyone with experience on the 4r55e please chime in. I love my Explorer and would hate to have to fill her full of brake fluid and sell it. (I can't see paying $1500 for repairs to a nearly 8 year old 100k mile vehicle!)

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The majority of problems with the 4R55E and 5R55E are with the valve body. If it's serviced and replaced it may last you a while longer.

Hell I had 2 rebuilds by your miles. Maybe you should have had it looked at when the problem started. You very well could use a rebuild. The 4r55e sucks. As does the a4ld and 5r55e.

mudd: Drop your pan and check the valve body bolts. This is a common occurance with your trans. Also..if they are loose....pull the valve body and see if the gaskets are in one peice.If you found the bolts loose the hydro pressure escaping the valvebody can "wash"the gasket out from between the programming plate.(and change the filter while your there).You,ve got nothing to lose by doing this first...... before handing a months wages over to a questionable character.

Originally posted by Mbrooks420
The 4r55e sucks. As does the a4ld and 5r55e.

I tend to disagree about the 5R55E. Have 92K+ on it and it still shifts as smooth as the day I bought it. Only problem - no engine braking in 1.... and that's a known TSB that I'll have fixed before my 100K warranty runs out.

So should I be looking at replacing the gasket or the whole valve body? My transmission isn't slipping all the time so I can't see paying for a rebuild, maybe later but not yet.


I would have them change out the gasket- check the valve body for flatness, and or use a thicker gasket if it needs it. I dont think they would disassemble the VB unless they need to flatten it and remove the contents.

If you have a place to work thats clean, an INCH pound torque wrench and some time it shouldnt take long to pull the pan and remove the VB and replace the gasket. The gaskets would cost you a couple bucks, 10 bucks for a filter and 20 bucks woth of fluid would do it.

Good Luck.

So I'd be gettin ripped a new one if I went with the $300 servicing???

Originally posted by MuddLover
So I'd be gettin ripped a new one if I went with the $300 servicing???

If you have the ability to do it yourself, yes, you're getting ripped!
