96 XLT Dash Lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 XLT Dash Lights


September 18, 2004
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96 xlt
I've become use to having half my dash unlit for a while. While running the X last night I noticed more lights out. It no longer come back after tapping on the cluster. Can the bulbs be replaed? Are there bulbs in he dash, or am I dating myself. Does the whole cluster have to be replaced? If anyone has re-lit an Explorers' dash please share your insight, do's, don'ts, and expected costs.

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I havent taken one apart yet, but i belive they have the same bulbs as any other. If you take the cluster out, you should see the back of the bulbs, 1/4 turn and they shold pop right out. take one to the local shop, and replace all of them. I might be wrong, but i dont see why ford would go away from cheap way.

They are replaceable. The bulb is $1.20. The quoted labor was $130 at $70 per hour at my dealership. IF you are even mildy knowlegeable about car maintence, this is a do-able project. Just time consuming. Pick up a $20 haynes book at autozone with the bulb. The book has step by step instructions that are easy to follow. get a few sockets. good as done! i would suggest replacing all the bulbs while your back there. and if you have the money, throw a custom gauge face in there while your at it!

I just fixed my dash lights on my '97 XLT, only about half of them were working. I'm guessing your '96 would be the same? It was a real easy job. The bulb number is 194 (very common bulb) and there is a total of 6 bulbs. I replaced all 6 while I had it apart.

I also replaced the bulbs for the headlight switch and the fog light switch.

You will need a 7mm socket, 8mm socket, 1/4" drive ratchet, #2 phillips screwdriver, small/medium size regular screwdriver.

From memory... hopefully I'm not forgetting anything.

1. Remove the 2 screws in the radio/AC control bezel.

2. Pull the radio and bezel out some (as a unit) and move them slightly to the right.

3. Remove 2 screws from the plastic panel under the steering column (the one in front of your knees).

4. Remove the 2 screws from the hood release latch.

5. Grab this plastic panel near the top and pull it out toward you. There are a couple clips holding it at the top, be sure not to break them.

6. Remove the 6 screws from the metal panel that is behind the plastic panel you just removed.

7. Remove the 2 screws at the bottom of plastic part that goes around the gauges (these screws are behind the metal panel you removed).

8. Remove the 3 screws by the gauges.

9. Remove the gauge bezel, be careful not to break any of the plastic clips. You will need to unhook the connectors for the headlight switch and dimmer switch after you pull the bezel out just a bit.

10. Remove the 4 screws for the gauge cluster.

11. Tilt the top of the cluster in and the bottom out. There are two little clips that hold in your gear indicator. The clips move in different directions to release the indicator. Remove the indicator from the gauge cluster.

12. On mine there were 3 wiring connectors that plugged into the cluster. Unplug these connectors and remove the cluster.

13. Twist the bulb holders to remove them from the cluster. Pull the bulbs from the holders and replace the bulbs.

Now all my lights work :D

Be sure when you put the radio back in that you have it lined up right. There is a "track" that the radio goes on. I could do the job start-to-finish in about 20 minutes now that I see how it all goes together.


I appreciate the feed back, and thank everyone. The challenge now is to find the time and do. I'll post after I complete the job. In the mean time, I'm taking in the X next week for new leaf springs. I can't live with the rear drive side sag any longer.

your best bet is to use these directions Dead Link Removed

I just replaced all 8 of the 194 bulbs in my dash (including the two behind the climate control below the radio). It was fairly easy and took about 1 1/2 hours to do. Phillips screwdriver and 7mm and 8mm sockets were about all you need from what I remember. The thread referenced above is what I used to make sure I knew what I was doing (I'm not mechanic but love fixing things like this). I can finally see my dash again at night. Honestly I was surprised it wasn't more complicated given what the dealer wanted to charge in labor to do it.

Good Luck

Thanks for the feedback i havent yet attempted changing the bulbs but by the sound of it it shouldnt be that hard of a task.

Got the X back with new leafs. Ford wanted $225 a leaf for me to do it myself. Had it all done for $500 at a spring speciality shop. Looks like new, better than new. Drives a lot better. Now I'm ready for the dash console bulb project. I know I need to get six 194 (LL recommended) bulbs. Does anyone know what the headlight switch bulb is? I don't think it's a 194, is it 168?

I went to Radio Schack and NAPA and got the bulbs. I'm ready to go, hopefully this Saturday. My only concern is replacing the headlight switch bulb. Its not just a matter of swapping the bulb out like the others. Wish me luck.

I went to Radio Schack and NAPA and got the bulbs. I'm ready to go, hopefully this Saturday. My only concern is replacing the headlight switch bulb. Its not just a matter of swapping the bulb out like the others. Wish me luck.

The headlight switch bulb is fairly easy to do. You don't need to remove the switch from the plastic bezel part it's mounted on... doing so may break the platic "nubs" it's mounted to. You will see a round thing to the side of the switch with a slot for a screw driver. Remove it by twisting it just a little. Use a safety pin or needle to remove the "wires" for the old bulb from the socket, then remove the bulb. Put the new bulb in and wrap the wires around the socket and trim them to length. It sounds complicated, but it's real simple once you see it.

1 1/2 hours to the minute, and the project is a success. Light has returned. I can see he light, etc. etc. etc (yada, yada, yada).

Thanks again to all who took the time to pass on their wisdom and assistance. It truely is an easy job. Especially the headlight switch bulb ($1.50 -vs. $7).
