96 XLT V6 Overdrive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 XLT V6 Overdrive


New Member
November 8, 2010
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City, State
LaGrange, Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
My 254000 mile ex isn't shifting into overdrive. Although it still drives great and doesn't mind low speed drives the interstate is a nightmare. Has anyone out there had this problem? This is the original transmission with no previous work so a new tranny is instore but I'm hoping to wait until 300000 miles. Can anyone suggest anything?

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My 254000 mile ex isn't shifting into overdrive. Although it still drives great and doesn't mind low speed drives the interstate is a nightmare. Has anyone out there had this problem? This is the original transmission with no previous work so a new tranny is instore but I'm hoping to wait until 300000 miles. Can anyone suggest anything?

Check for trouble codes. No symptoms of problems in any other gear, just O/D? If no, possibility of failed O/D shift solenoid, though other possibilities come to mind, considering the high mileage.......imp

yeah no other gear just o/d. I haven't had any flashing o/d light so I guess the tranny is just down to its last leg. I've rebuilt manuals before but never an automatic, any idea if it's anymore difficult?

..... I've rebuilt manuals before but never an automatic, any idea if it's anymore difficult?

Yep. Several things other than the much greater number of parts involved; clutches are fed oil under pressure through the shafts. This means the holes allowing oil into clutch cylinders must line up accurately. As thrust bearings wear, holes often misalign, causing failed shifting. That's one common thing. Other is, many special tools are often needed to reassemble clutches due to their design.

Get hold of an old junk auto and tear it apart. Then YOU decide if you really want to attempt rebuilding. Parts kits are expensive, and after all that, and the time and effort used up, the damn things sometimes don't work anyway!

alright well thanks for the advice i guess i'll just see how long this one lasts me and then buy a rebuilt one.

i have this problem what did you do? my 98 ex wont shift into o/d at all and my light is flashing... what does that mean and how do i fix this?

i have this problem what did you do? my 98 ex wont shift into o/d at all and my light is flashing... what does that mean and how do i fix this?

Check for trouble code: If it comes up "solenoid failed", you may simply have to replace that; otherwise it will be O/D parts within trans.

I did nothing i'm just driving a little under the speed limit to keep from ragging it too bad. Driving around 68 has proven to run decent, getting about 17 mpgs. Let us know how it turns out if you can fix yours.
