97 AWD highway shake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 AWD highway shake


Well-Known Member
July 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Franklin, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Explorer Sport
Hey guys, I have a 97 X wth the mods below in my signature. I offroad very lightly sometimes, but my X is an everyday driver. I was coming back from NH yesterday and noticed that my Explorer was shaking a bit more that usual at 70-75mph highway speeds, as well as the steering seemed slightly looser than normal. I recently put new AT's on it last Nov, and my tires were aligned then. There were just rotated last week, but I drove up to NH and didn't have as mush shaking.

Any ideas? Should get get anohter alignment?

Also my gas mileage is decreasing by 1-2mpg, but that is beside the point of this thread. Got to love V8's with 13-15mpg at best!

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I have the same problem. I put new tires on, balanced them and did an alignment and everything was running great. But after the first rotation she had vibrations between 50-55 and was pulling to the right. I'm pretty sure I'll have to do another balance job and alignment.

I was getting a crazy shake on my 97 sport this summer ane it ended up being my tie rod ends. Give those a check

It can be a number of issues.. Your tires could be out of balance, as your tire wears down, you lose rubber which throws off the weight of the tire in relation to the amount of lead used to balance the tire. Also check your upper & lower ball joints & tie rod ends.

I'd get them balanced again and see if you can get the lifetime balance. I got mine from sears.

Yeah, I had them balanced at Sears, I bought them from a friend there ;last year and he re did it for me for free, becuase I bught them there. The shake is mostly or all gone. but two of hte AT tires wobbled on the balancing machine, I could have gotten them warrantied probably, but I didn't want two new tires and then two old ones on my AWD X because of the tread difference, even though it probably isn't a big deal. But my problem is fixed, or that one at least. :confused:
