97 Courtesy Lamp Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Courtesy Lamp Issue

On the driver's side door courtesy lamp, I changed out the bulb and it still doesn't illuminate and even tried a LED bulb with no luck. Passenger side works fine. I used a multimeter and not getting any power. Looked at the wiring and it looks fine from the cannon plug up until the wire bundle. Any ideas?

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Check the loom going into and through the door-to-body junction box

You mean in that canister looking assembly?

Yep, wires are known to break inside there...

Having trouble getting the canister looking thing to open, there are 3 clips and I can easly reach the 2 visible ones, but there is a 3rd clip that is on the back side that's faces the door metal and I can't get too. Any ideas???

Got it fixed, pulled the rubber boot off the bottom of the canister thing in the door hinge and found the wire broken on both ends, so ran a new wire in there to both ends and spliced it and now it works as advertised. Thanks for the heads up to look at that thing in the door hinge.
