97 ranger axle into a 93 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 ranger axle into a 93 explorer


November 21, 2013
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 explorer
Hey Guys,
I was looking to upgrade my brakes with those from the 95-97 ranger, found a fully functional complete front axle from a 97 Ranger, gear ratios the same. should just bolt in correct? and have a loc rite locker for the 93 that i was going to use, but was a little confused, locrite lists a split in 94 i think having to do with ABS

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The ranger axle is smaller than the explorer axle. The ranger axle will work but why would you want to downgrade to a weaker axle? Rangers = 7.5 rear axle, explorers = 8.8 rear axle. Find a rear end from a 95-01 explorer. They all have disk brakes. That locker will only work in an explorer rear end.

Assuming the ranger axle is a d35 like the explorer came with, and not a d28, what makes the rangers brakes any better? Explorers and rangers both came with front disk brakes. I don't see a reason to swap the axle. If for some reason the rangers brakes were better, you could just swap the brakes, no need to change the entire axle.

95 to 97 4x4 rangers came with a larger rotor and two piston calipers as well as bolts holding them on versus the pins, I was looking to just swap the from the knuckles out, but found a complete axle hub to hub and was wondering if it work and save myself some work.

In that case it could possibly be faster to swap the axle, but I'm sure some people could swap the knuckles, rotors, and calipers in less time than it would take to change the whole axle. I would just go with whatever is cheapest, either buying the entire axle, or just the parts necessary to upgrade the brakes.

Thanks, I was pulling the original axle anyways to replace bushings and such
