'98 Explorer HU Replacement - Premium Sound? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'98 Explorer HU Replacement - Premium Sound?


New Member
December 2, 2007
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City, State
College Station, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0
Hello guys. I have a 98 4 door 5.0. It has the dual media head unit and 6 disk changer with rear seat controls. After resoldering a few times to get the display working it's finally crapped out on me and it's time to just replace it. Before I go ripping everything out I need to know what system this has. I read that being dual media, and having RDS that it would be the premium mach system, but if it doesn't have a sub then it isn't a mach system.
I just want to know if it's an internal or external amp and what I'll have to do to make it sound decent with just a head unit change, atleast as good as it was before, as it sounded good enough for me. I know the changer won't work anymore and don't really care as my new head unit has MP3 CD capabilities and ipod direct connect. Will I just have to connect up the adapter I got and it will be good to go or will I have to do something with a factory amp?
The head unit is a 50x4watt Pioneer. The explorer was manufactured in 2/98 if that helps any as well. I appreciate the help and hope I did enough searching before asking. Thanks!

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If the vehicle does not have an independent amplifier and sub (a'la the Premium audio), then the OEM unit has a cheapie internal amp. But, no fear--modern replacement headunits have on-board amplifiers (look for, e.g., "4x45" or similar in the product description). It will sound as-good as the stock radio.

Okay, thanks for the speedy reply. I've pulled the head unit, or what's left since the guts are falling out of it. The sticker on the bottom says Vehicle Equalization: 4/2 Door Explorer Prem Tuner Market: North America. XH/UC FH-2216ZF So I'm guessing I've just got the premium sound, not mach. There were only two connectors going to the stock unit, One 16 pin, and a larger 20 pin connector. The Scosche adapter only has the 16 pin on it. I'm guessing the 20 pin was for the changer and rear controls, am I right? Thanks again!

These ought to help. I actually am a little confused with the Premium designation. I had a 1996, non-JBL, and had the HU replaced, but I cannot recall what the Premium designation meant (e.g., if there is an amp that must be bypassed).

(a) 1997 Explorer with JBL


(b) 1997 Explorer without JBL with Premium


(c) 1997 Explorer without JBL without Premium


If you happen to be looking for another unit like the one you have, I have a nice one that is barely used. Shoot me a PM if interested. Time to move it on and I am in La Porte, so pretty close to you... :salute:

The name premium has a different meaning beginning in 1998. The HU in trucks with a rear sub is the Mach Pioneer radio. The HU in trucks without a rear sub and with the "RDS" button, that is the Premium Pioneer radio. It's not the top of the line, simply it is called the Premium radio. The Mach and Premium are both Pioneers and equal in quality, but they both have the display defect.

The Mach HU has no bass in the four main speaker signals, and the Premium HU has full range speaker signals, and no sub channel.
