98 UP Explorer - 4L V6 - which engine? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 UP Explorer - 4L V6 - which engine?


April 13, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Hobart, Tasmania
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XL
Anyone able to identify for me which engine is in my 1998 Ford UP Explorer XL 4.0L V6. I only bought it this afternoon.

I realise that the engine is a Cologne V6 EFI. Is the engine a 242, 244 or 245 cubic inch? Is it SOHC (205hp/153 or 210hp/157kw - different sources give a different number) or pushrod (160hp/119kw)? Do these have timing belts or chains?


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That's the OHV (Pushrod), or the 160 HP as you put it.

If it does matter...

The 4.0 liter, according to Ford, is 245 cubic inches...Oh and the engine you have uses a single timing chain under the timing cover in the front of the engine...

At least yours is cleaner than the engine was when I bought my 1999 Sport... It looked far worse than yours and needed some attention...

Good luck with your truck..

Pretty sure when I go searching for parts on SummitRacing.com that the 4.0 OHV engine, which is what you and I both have, is the 242 CI engine.

Anyone able to identify for me which engine is in my 1998 Ford UP Explorer XL 4.0L V6. I only bought it this afternoon.

I realise that the engine is a Cologne V6 EFI. Is the engine a 242, 244 or 245 cubic inch? Is it SOHC (205hp/153 or 210hp/157kw - different sources give a different number) or pushrod (160hp/119kw)? Do these have timing belts or chains?

http://www.explorerforum.com/ntrprize/ try here this might help
