99 awd problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 awd problem

September 27, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
sioux falls, south dakota
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 5.0
so i was muddin last night and i got stuck, mud half way up my wheels, and as i was getting pulled out i noticed only my front wheels were spining not my rears?

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are you 100% that you are AWD because v8 came only 2wd and awd.

check underneath the car if you have a front driveshaft first and then go from there.

haha. Im pretty sure by now your limited slip is toast. Maybe the other side rear tire was spinning.

THen i think your case has bit the dust.

dude that hella sux

$200 from a 96 AWD 85K miles, works perfect, regular fluid changes
I can ship transfer cases, I have many times......
