A bad idle when the engine is not warmed up. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A bad idle when the engine is not warmed up.


New Member
November 30, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Lake Odessa, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLT Ford Explorer
I have a 2001 explorer that will shake and idle terrible and sometimes stall out when you first turn it on, not sure were to look to find what could be the problem, im pretty dedicated to get it done myself i have so far put new brakes, rotars, balljoints, u-joints a rack and pinion, altinator spark plugs and wires as well as a new battery if anyone has an idea where i should look to get it fixed it would be great thanks.:exp:

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Intake gaskets are leaking, very common.

Im def gonna pull the intake apart thanks for the info, do you know what the best gasket to use by chance.

Before you go tearing into the intake manifold gaskets, check the IAC valve. They are known to fail and cause idle problems. the IAC is basically the equivalent to a choke on a carbureted engine, it controls airflow to the motor at idle.

I changed the gaskets saterday and it runs like a champ thanks for all the imo guys this forum has saved me a lot of money.
