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A/C & Heater


August 13, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
C-ville, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLS
Alright Guys,
I have a 2002 Explorer XLS 4.0 V6. It started having intermedite a/c problems a few months ago. Sometimes when you first started it up there would be no a/c blowing but the compressor was pulling the motor down. Then after a few minutes... it would start to blow in small spurts, then it would finally come on and work correctly. Recently it did it again and has not came back on and relized it wasn't defrosting & heating either. I am thinking its the blower motor, relay, or a switch. You guys know more then me, any issues with this year explorer A/C with the same symptoms?


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Does it do it in the highest fan speed as well as the others?

Not Sure

I really do not know for sure. I noticed it at the higher speeds, so I could hear it. I had read some previous blogs about this issue and took the glove box out and looked behind it. I was going to see where the ac blower was, and just thought I would try it again and it came back on. I think it is the blower but I hate to spend $100 on a guess. I guess I can always take it back. Should I start with the realy or something else first?


Make sure your blower is coming on when set to HI. If you are talking about the system cooling in spurts with consistent airflow, you have A/C problems. If your talking about airflow in spurts you have fan problems. But, if it's an Auto A/C system it could be more.


I got it guys. It was the A/C blower motor. It was about $100 but the heat and A/C works great now. The old one looked bad, looked though it had moisture in it at one point, the outside had rust on it but it was not rusted through. My dad said it probably should not be rusted like that and he said something about the heater coil. So I guess we will see in a few months anyways.
