A/C issues... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C issues...


Active Member
June 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Napa, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Explorer 4dr kiddykar
So, I am having a problem similar to this one:


But my problem is exactly the opposite. The left most vent by the window is downright warm, the left side of the dash vent (by the radio) is mostly cold, the right one next to it is cold, the right dash by the window is cold, and the two vents on the back of the console are cold.

It seems to be worse if Max A/C is on.

I can get some cold air out of it by closing the vent for a while then opening it back up, but it only lasts a few moments.

I've already replaced the LH blend door actuator and that is still working properly.

This just started out of the blue, it was working fine yesterday.

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I as well am experiencing this issue. Mine is oppisite yours with the coldest vent being the driver side although the cold air isn't extremely cold. Were you able to fix this? Last night I checked the low side pressure and it was fine. The compress kicks on and off as it should. I just don't know what to do next.

I haven't done anything else with it yet. I'm going to re charge the system since it doesn't seem to get cold enough anymore first and go from there.

I was able to see that all the vacuum motors are moving properly with the dials, and nothing (externally) is broken.

Just FYI, I just put 20-24oz of r134a into it and it's still low. I was only able to get ~20-23 psi out of it at 1500rpm (just enough the keep the low pressure switch from cycling it off) , at 75 degrees ambient.

Much much better interior temps now, but I'll have to pick up a couple more cans tomorrow and see if I can't get it to the proper range.

the vent is still slightly less cool than the center vents but is definitely cool again.

mine was acting funny too, i added a can too, got it up to about 25psi seems to work better although my hose started to leak so i could add any more. I'm thinking it should be some where near 35psi at 75f. Need another fill hose first. . .

Yea. I figured though if it took 2 cans to get it back up to almost proper, that I have to have a leak somewhere. So I'm gunna have to go over it one of these nights with the ol UV light and figure it out, doesn't make any sense to waste any more r134a than I have to even if it is cheap..

Are there any common leak areas I should check out first? Mine is an 03 v6 w/o rear air and w/o auto climate.

I did notice some dye in the low pressure port but I understand a small amount is normal.
