A couple questions about a lift. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A couple questions about a lift.


New Member
April 11, 2016
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City, State
Castro Valley California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ford Explorer Sport
Hey guys, I'm new here and to the "Explorer Scene" so to say, and I am wondering, I want to lift my 1997 Ford Explorer Sport about 3 inches it is a limited slip differential and it is 2wd, do I need to get expensive with it ? I Am trying to stay cheap. Any help would be great. Thanks.

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Could you link me to the lift kit you were talking about ? Thanks!

Google PA 883 lift kit? :scratch:

Sorry Derp moment, Found out what I'm doin, gonna torsion it 2 inches throw on some warrior shackles in the back 2 inch and throw some 30s on there mud terrain tires.

As you can see I obviously don't check my tires ;P But I most likely will go higher than 32s Just have to look at price ranges.

Stock 31's are usually about the biggest without a bit of trimming mine i still had to trim now I got a 3 inch body and 3 inch shackles and gonna do a 1.5 inch torsion twist and see if I can squeeze some 35's with trimming oh I'mgetting the 35x12.5 cooper discoverer stt pro's tommorow
