A-Pillar Pod Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A-Pillar Pod Question


Moderator Emeritus
January 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Mechanicsville, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Acura TL
I am ordering the A-Pillar pod for my 00 Explorer when I ran across a problem: it says it only fits 95-99. Is there one out there that will fit my year, or do I have to make that one work? I am thinking they are the same A-Pillar, but I could be wrong. Thanks to anyone who can help: here's a link from Jegs.


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I thought so. Thanks Jefe. All of Ranger and Explorers A-Pillars look similar.


What should I use to paint the pod to match my interior (tan)?


They make dyes that you can buy on eBay. I still gotta buy some myself, mine pod is black and my interior is grey. I've had mine in for about 2 weeks now..


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I painted mine black but you can go to an auto parts store that mixes paint and puts it in spray cans, they can match it good. Next time i go to the city I'm gettin some

are those full a-pillar pods or just the "little pods"...?

fully pillars

But about the paint - can't I use a plastic paint? I've seen tons of commercials on a company that has paint in a can for plastic. I'm sure they make Tan.


ExplorerDMB00 said:
fully pillars

But about the paint - can't I use a plastic paint? I've seen tons of commercials on a company that has paint in a can for plastic. I'm sure they make Tan.


But it might not match good. I think it's worth a try though. I just painted mine with gloss black Tremclad.

do they make those pillar pods for the first gen?

ExplorerDMB00 said:
fully pillars

But about the paint - can't I use a plastic paint? I've seen tons of commercials on a company that has paint in a can for plastic. I'm sure they make Tan.


I got some Krylon grey which matches the ford medium graphite great. They should have a tan color. I picked mine up at Pepboys.

Your pod looks real good. Thanks for the advice. I don't know what gauges to go with though. I have the reverse glow gauges on the dash, I'm thinking about Autometers cobalt C2 gauges (yes, expensive) because they glow up blue, similar to my dash gauges. All I need is a Transmission Temp gauge right now, what should I get in place of the other hole? Water Temp? Volt Meter? Thanks


Are those hard to get use to? I would like to get some eventually, don't know what I would monitor yet and have other needs first, but seem like they may get distracting at times...

if you are mainly stock and want 2 useful gauges I would get oil pressure and tranny temp.

Go by a dealership and pick up a can of paint. Usually runs about $6.00 a can, but it matches perfectly to your other pieces.
