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A Question about Headliner

Alright then, I'll do my best to get it done for you this evening when I get home. If you get it before then, just post here.

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John, my roommate had a little trouble with his scanner last night, but we think we have it fixed. I couldn't get the file to you anyway because of a tied up phone line. I'm going to try again for you when I get off of work this evening. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it to you through email. Sorry about this!

I've already been waiting for 2 weeks, so another day or 2 isn't going to bother me. Thanks for going through the trouble.

It's no trouble man. Just glad to help out. I'll work on getting it to you tonight.

Alright John, I emailed you those files. Let me know if you got them and if they will work.

i got the picture

If it is supposed to be one picture, then I got it. Very clear. A couple of my wires are a different color (go figure), but I think I can figure them out. Thanks for spending the time to scan it.

It was supposed to be 2 sheets, but I think stupid Hotmail didn't send the second one and then didn't tell me about it. I'll get the second one to you. It was no trouble John. Just hope it helps.

Display Brightness

Well, this question is directed to all who had a console in their truck from the factory, or to those who have connected the dimmer switch wire if you installed it yourself.

I just recently finished installing an overhead console in my truck, but I did not connect the wires for the vehicle speed sensor or the dimmer switch. I was wondering if the console display is supposed to dim when you turn the parking lights on. On dark nights, the console display is so bright, it is almost distracting when I drive. Is it supposed to dim, cause if it is, then I will take the time to take the truck apart again to connect the dimmer switch wire. If it doesn't, then I'm not going to worry about it and just deal with it on dark roads.

If it is supposed to dim, then what wire on the dimmer switch am I supposed to connect it to. Thanks guys.

I've got some time this weekend and have a "need to work on stuff." Can anyone with a factory installed console (or self installed with dimmer switch wire connected) answer my display brightness question??

For you guys who installed it yourself, don't forget to mention the color wire on the dimmer switch it is supposed to connect to. Thanks!!

Yeah, its supposed to dim. I connected the blue/red wire from the console to the blue/red wire connected to the back of the 'turning knob thingy' (<- very technical term) that dims the dash lights. When I turn on the parking lights the console lights dim along with the radio lights.

BTW, if you don't want to take the dash apart to get to the dimmer thing, the same wire goes into the back of the radio. I would've just used it, but I had to replace the light in the headlight switch so I had to have the dash apart anyways.

Thank you very much for that information. I now have this weekend's project planned out. I just wish I would have done it when I had the truck apart the first time. Oh well. Thanks again.
