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A4ld problems


Well-Known Member
April 19, 2005
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1991,1992 EB's and 94 LTD
So when my 94 explorer is cold is shift pretty good but once it warms up it starts by slowing down to engage in reverse then it seems like you have to rev to get it to go in reverse then if you drive it long enough first gear starts to act the same way and it seems like almost all gears act that way if you're stopped when you're rolling it doesn't slip at all only on initial take off Anyway to fix this or do I just need to rebuild the transmission

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You are low on fluid

Do check the fluid first but usually when it's a bit low, it has trouble engaging when cold, not when hot. As the fluid warms, it expands and there's enough to go around.

I did check it even added a little to get it to max still does it feels. Kind a like it's a neutral and then catches once it's warm drives perfect when cold then reverse if you Hit gas fairly hard shutters really bad when warm

Vacuum issue?

I replaced a hose to the modulator that was leaking helped shifts but not the warm slip issue

Really sounds like it's just going bad. Probably going to have to drop it but before you do that, I'd check the pump pressure. You're probably best off taking it to a trans shop to diagnose it, shouldn't be terribly expensive. If it's just low pressure, it won't necessarily be an entire rebuild.

I figured that and I found some brass in the pan last time so time for a rebuild any idea on cost
