AAL and/or Shackles with ARC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AAL and/or Shackles with ARC


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
winter park, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 4x4
will it be bad for my air ride suspension to add shackles and an AAL? will it throw off the sensors, or burn out the compressor? i am thinking about just throwing this lift on for now, then adding the regular shocks and body lift later when i have the money. will it hurt my ARC though? and what about a TT in the front, is that gonna throw of the air ride?

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Yes it will probably throw it off. It's hard telling what it will do exactly, but you'll probably get a 'Check Suspension' in the message center and it will probably ride bad until you put regular shocks on.

The lift that your gona get from an AAL or Shackles won't be as much as your Air Ride. I've researched that with my explorer vs one without air ride that did a TT/AAL/Shackles. Your air ride if working properly should give you 2.5-3" of lift. If I left the air ride on all the time I could easily fit 33x10.50's (with the 2"BL). However...If your going to go 33's Then ditch the air ride and do the traditional stuff (The air ride in off-road all the time will ride like ****). If your gona do 32x10.50 or smaller keep the air ride. Stock I was able to fit the 265/75/16's (31.8x10.50) with very light rubbing (my new rims have jack for backspacing) and no rubbing at all in off-road wheelin. But I wanted to do the 2"BL just for fun (doesn't effect air ride btw)

I decided to stay with the air ride because it rides very smooth and has a lower step in height for clients (I'm a Realtor)

If you decide to do the AAL/Shackles and keep the air ride you need to carefully measure before and after heights and re-mount the Air Ride sensor. Its not to hard. And not a bad idea to keep it on if you plan on ever towing because it will also level out for big loads on the back. :)

Nitrous SSC said:
The lift that your gona get from an AAL or Shackles won't be as much as your Air Ride. I've researched that with my explorer vs one without air ride that did a TT/AAL/Shackles. Your air ride if working properly should give you 2.5-3" of lift. If I left the air ride on all the time I could easily fit 33x10.50's (with the 2"BL). However...If your going to go 33's Then ditch the air ride and do the traditional stuff (The air ride in off-road all the time will ride like ****). If your gona do 32x10.50 or smaller keep the air ride. Stock I was able to fit the 265/75/16's (31.8x10.50) with very light rubbing (my new rims have jack for backspacing) and no rubbing at all in off-road wheelin. But I wanted to do the 2"BL just for fun (doesn't effect air ride btw)

I decided to stay with the air ride because it rides very smooth and has a lower step in height for clients (I'm a Realtor)

If you decide to do the AAL/Shackles and keep the air ride you need to carefully measure before and after heights and re-mount the Air Ride sensor. Its not to hard. And not a bad idea to keep it on if you plan on ever towing because it will also level out for big loads on the back. :)
My freind has a 97 X limited with tt shackels and all that good stuff...ill ask him what he did.

here ya go he wrote me back...
ok i just did TT you cant do AALs cause of the different springs..but with the ARC you dont need it..i fabbed up some bracts out of scrap steel that i had around..
you just need to make some brakets like i did and you have got it done

but you have to get an alignment after doing this..i still have not done that..but my truck has not been driven more then 50 miles anyhow
he sent me pics of it put for some reason when ever i wantg to click to add an image the page just goes to the top...its really anoying ill try to link it up

98XLTLMEdition said:
here ya go he wrote me back...
ok i just did TT you cant do AALs cause of the different springs..but with the ARC you dont need it..i fabbed up some bracts out of scrap steel that i had around..
you just need to make some brakets like i did and you have got it done

but you have to get an alignment after doing this..i still have not done that..but my truck has not been driven more then 50 miles anyhow
he sent me pics of it put for some reason when ever i wantg to click to add an image the page just goes to the top...its really anoying ill try to link it up

what do you mean "cause the springs are different"? they use different springs on explorers with ARC? can you not order AAL for ARC vehicles then? and what if i plan on ditchin the ARC, do i then need to replace all the springs?

toddious said:
what do you mean "cause the springs are different"? they use different springs on explorers with ARC? can you not order AAL for ARC vehicles then? and what if i plan on ditchin the ARC, do i then need to replace all the springs?
Yes thats what he said the springs are diffrent if you have arc but he said he gets about 2 inch lift with the tt shackles in 4x4 hi and 3 in 4x4 low which he lives in alaska and has to drive on lots of crappy and icy roads

98XLTLMEdition said:
Yes thats what he said the springs are diffrent if you have arc but he said he gets about 2 inch lift with the tt shackles in 4x4 hi and 3 in 4x4 low which he lives in alaska and has to drive on lots of crappy and icy roads

does anyone else know if this is true? so even if i replaced the ARC with regular shocks, i'd still need to get a special made AAL? and how is it that TT does not mess with ARC, nor shackles, but AAL does?

Because the rear has a load leveling system that the front dosn't. The front will raise and lower with a switch.

The rear raises and lowers with the switch and a sensor for towing or heavy loads in the back.

the load leveling system did not start till 99..and that is a different system then ARC
