ABS and Airbag Light On...Please Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS and Airbag Light On...Please Help


Active Member
October 30, 2008
Reaction score
I have a 2003 Ford Explorer XLT

My airbag and ABS light just recently came on. The Airbag light came on first, and now the ABS light is constantly on.

I unplugged the negative battery terminal so as to reset the computer, but the lights remain on.

I've read somewhere that a dead battery of some sort may have triggered the Airbag light. A few months ago, my alternator went bad and totally drained the battery.

I need to know how to get these 2 lights off. Please advise on what the problem may be, how to fix the issues, or how to simply get the lights to go off...no matter how.


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I have a 2003 Ford Explorer XLT

My airbag and ABS light just recently came on. The Airbag light came on first, and now the ABS light is constantly on.

I unplugged the negative battery terminal so as to reset the computer, but the lights remain on.

I've read somewhere that a dead battery of some sort may have triggered the Airbag light. A few months ago, my alternator went bad and totally drained the battery.

I need to know how to get these 2 lights off. Please advise on what the problem may be, how to fix the issues, or how to simply get the lights to go off...no matter how.


I have a 2003 Ford Explorer XLT

My airbag and ABS light just recently came on. The Airbag light came on first, and now the ABS light is constantly on.

I unplugged the negative battery terminal so as to reset the computer, but the lights remain on.

I've read somewhere that a dead battery of some sort may have triggered the Airbag light. A few months ago, my alternator went bad and totally drained the battery.

I need to know how to get these 2 lights off. Please advise on what the problem may be, how to fix the issues, or how to simply get the lights to go off...no matter how.


Wow. You posted this in three different forums?

How does your brake fluid level look?

Ooops, sorry...didn't mean to do that. Well, the brake fluid level is fine, but I was recently told that the brake fluid is very dirty.


...can a scanner clear the codes? removing the battery terminal didnt clear the codes.

Some code readers can read ABS codes and clear them, but not all. Like if you went to Autozone, they can read your engine codes but not ABS because they only use their cheap reader instead of the good one.


Got the following codes:


Got the following codes:


What scanner did you use?

I have the www.obd-2.com scanner, which I thought was the most compatible aftermarket scanner for the Explorer, but I don't seem to get ABS/Airbag codes. The OEM manual says use the New Generation Star tester, but that's mega $$$.
