Achieving the gibson dual sport look | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Achieving the gibson dual sport look


Explorer Addict
August 24, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Ada, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
I'm going to file my tax return soon e-file and with the extra money I'm going to get my exhaust done.

After much deliberation I think I'm finally going to with my exhaust exiting the side behind the tire. I want to achieve the look of the gibson dual sport.

Gibson dual sport

Because I'm going with a Flowmaster 50, should I get a dual-in/dual-out, or go with the dual-in/single-out and go with a 2.5" pipe, with a Y-pip near the end to split it to get the dual pipes near the end.

Is there even enough room to run two pipe side-by-side all the way out the back or will I have to get them to split it?

Has anyone else done this? I've seen many dual-rears and everything but not any dual side exits.

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I dont know but if you can get it to work i want to do get one!

I have to figure out my taxes first to make sure I can get this done. I had to justify getting the exhaust done to my roommate, though I love drinking, he thinks it would be better spent all on alcohol. I'm trying to stay dry for the time being though.

I'm going home this weekend and there is an exhaust shop that I'll probably get it put on at, so I'll swing in there and see what they can tell me. I was hoping someone would know how this would work so I could adjust my plan if I need to.

I was planning on getting the same kind of exhaust done on my sport and was going to get the same muffler, here is my thread
I am either going to go with the dual side exhaust, dual exhaust right out the back on both sides, or dual exhaust right out the back on the passenger side. But I have yet to decide. Let me know how much your exhaust runs when you get it done.

I plan on getting the 50 series from Summit Racing for $90 and I hope to get the rest of it for a grand total of under $200 with tips included. I'm going to do a little shopping around, but I still need to figure out what kind of tax money I'm getting back to make sure that I will be able to do this as soon as I can. I'll be sure to post an update and when I get this, I'll be sure to post picks of the whole set-up all the way through, because I know how I always like to see how everything is routed and comes together.

thanks can't wait to see the pics

When I was trying to explain what I intended to do with my exhaust, I reached the conclusion that it's probably easiest to just run a single pipe all the way back, but then rather than run a y-pipe and put tips on it, just get a split tip!!! It seemed just too simple I don't know why I didn't think of it to start! Oh well, I haven't priced it all out yet, but I think that's definately the way to go. Dynomax has some nice tips which I think I'll go with.
