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Add a leaf

February 11, 2018
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2001 Explorer Eddie Bauer

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I have no way of knowing this but for that price I'd bet they are a cheaper or lower grade of spring steel.

Well the summit racing add a leaves that I've seen referenced on here are only 35$ that's 50$ less than these. Maybe someone can point me towards some high quality stiff add a leaves, I'm looking for as much lift as possible so I can use shorter lift shackles for better ride quality. I'm shooting for 4-5" of lift with the shortest shackles I can get away with.

Then you'll need to add a short and a long add a leaf to get close to that.

The prices you listed sound like short leafs. My long add a leaf was near $100.

How stable would 2 add a leaves be? I know shackles are a bit unstable, I guess I never considered using more than one set. Where'd you get yours because that sounds more in line with the quality I'm looking for

How stable would 2 add a leaves be? I know shackles are a bit unstable, I guess I never considered using more than one set. Where'd you get yours because that sounds more in line with the quality I'm looking for

It's no difference then the multi leaf pack you have now. It will ride stiffer which I prefer.

Mine came from a buddy who got 2 sets in a lift kit by accident. It's in my sig though, Sky Jacker.

I also prefer a stiff ride, just don't want to sacrifice too much flex in the process, I'm not a suspension guy in case that wasn't obvious, my strong suit is engine performance lol, thanks!

The page I directed you to and the item I am talking about is the 80 dollar per side leaf pack. Sorry I didn't clarify the first time.

I was actually considering getting a leafspring pack too, but I think I'll go with the add a leaf unless I can find a pack that's much stiffer and slightly higher than stock. I like the way your ride looks with the add a leaf, SWIGIN, that's what those explorers should've looked like from the factory!

I agree 100%

Btw, LoquetusofBorg, what was it that you didn't like about the add a leaf you have?

Hmmmmmm, I like the sound of this. I'm a chevy guy and ALOT of chevy parts cross over, I used iroc camaro springs in the front of my s10, heck most of the parts I used were from other gm cars (g body front suspension) but I don't know any Ford interchange info. Does anyone know what vehicles use leaf spring packs of similar dimensions as the explorer?

Wait, let me rephrase before I get flamed lol, I WAS a chevy guy, now I recognize a good vehicle regardless of names, but that still doesn't change the fact that most of my knowledge is about chevys

Btw, LoquetusofBorg, what was it that you didn't like about the add a leaf you have?
It is still a mono leaf and the AAL does not lift it all that much and the ride is sort of squishy. At 80 bucks per side it will set the way I want it to sit and the ride will be firmer. With that being said I will have to do a TT to bring the front end up. Maybe in the far future I will do a minimal body lift, nothing large mind you as I am 60 and don't want to start taking yoga lessons just to throw my legs that high to get in.
