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Add fog lights


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August 29, 2012
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1999 explorer sport
Help! I have a 99 explorer sport with the factory fog lite delete. Can I add factory fog lites from a junkyard to my bumper? Also, is the wireing already there? I looked last night for the wireing, but I didn't see anything. I can run new wireing if I had to.

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yep new lights should fit right in, as long as you have the bumper with the holes for them cut out. my ex didnt have the wiring to the fog light but it did have a plug in for the switch behind the dash :confused: if you do have a harness to the lights it would be on the front of the frame next to the abs wire (you should be able to see from the wheel well)

Fog light wires

Can anyone post or send some pictures as to where the fog lights connect to? I also have an Explorer that came without fog lights. I recently purchased OEM fog lights that came with the pigtails, a radio bezel, and now I just cannot find where they would connect.

Can anyone post or send some pictures as to where the fog lights connect to? I also have an Explorer that came without fog lights. I recently purchased OEM fog lights that came with the pigtails, a radio bezel, and now I just cannot find where they would connect.

Check your PM!!

My Ex didn't have factory fogs so I put them in myself. I have an '02 but I did new wiring, switches, etc. so this pertains to your EX as well.

Have you checked out this sticky?: How to: Auxilary/offroad lites

Here's how I did mine:

I would highly recommend using a relay! I have my lights wired so that they can only come on with the parking lights and I have a switch also so I can shut them off when the parking lights are on. I picked up the relay and the switch at Radio Shack.

This is the diagram I used for wiring my lights. The relay is triggered by the parking lights, turning on my aux lights, and the switch allows me to turn off the lights:


I found a great path for running wires through the firewall on my '02 XLT:

This is the view from the engine compartment. The access is behind the brake booster. Look behind the brake booster and down and you will see it.


This is the view from inside the Ex. Follow the brake pedal up to the firewall and look to the left. The red arrow points to the piece that you peel back and the black arrow points to the grommet:


I tapped the parking lights at the driver's side parking light itself, not a big deal since you have to route wires in that area anyway. The picture is from my how to for installing signal mirrors, the link is in my signature. There is some good info there for routing the wires.

Peel back and remove a portion of the plastic wrap - The red arrow indicates the quick splice connector connected to the Green w/White Stripe wire for the signal mirror - The white arrow indicates the quick splice connector connected to the Brown wire for my fog light relay.


Here is the pic of the grounding points. The red arrow indicates the grounding point for the lights, the white arrow indicates the grounding point for the relay & the switch, the yellow arrow indicates where I mounted the relay, the blue arrow points to the wire run from terminal 30 on the relay to the positive terminal on the battery (including in-line fuse):


My relay wiring is as follows:

Term #30 - wire run through in-line fuse to positive terminal on battery
Term #85 - wire run to ground point indicated by white arrow
Term #87 - wire run and connected to positive wires on fog lights
Term #86 - wire run to switch located inside vehicle

The switch shown in the link has 3 terminals (ground is required to illuminate the LED indicator light):

Line - wire run to parking light circuit at driver's parking light
Load - wire from term #86 on relay
Ground - wire run to point indicated by white arrow
If you use a switch without an indicator light then the ground wire is not required.

When wired as above, the aux lights can only come on when the parking lights & the switch are on. When the parking lights are on you can shut off the aux lights with the switch.

I hope I didn't confuse you too much. Feel free to ask any questions. :thumbsup:

Fog Lights

YOU THE MAN BigRondo!! Got the PM and thanks for the pics. I will be working on this in a few weeks.

Good luck to you sir. :salute:

Factory switch

Thanks BigRondo for that writeup! I just did what the OP is asking except on a 96 explorer. Your instructions helped a lot.

However, if using the factory fog light switch (at least in 95-01), it works differently than your aftermarket switch and has to be wired differently it seems. I had a bit of the factory harness that came with the switch.

The only modifications to your instructions:
Term #87 connects to positive on fogs, AND tan/orange switch wire
Term #85 goes to the Light-Blue/Black-striped wire on the switch harness.
Term #86 goes to the splice in the parking light circuit (brown wire)

Also on the switch:
black - goes to suitable ground
Lt-Blue/Black-stripe - to Term #85
Tan/orange - goes to the Fog lamp positive circuit(aka terminal #87)
Red/Black-stripe - I have no idea what this does. I left it alone.

If you examine the difference, its basically switching the sequence of the relay and switch because the factory switch doesn't illuminate the LED off of the switched line, the switch just grounds the circuit. Strange, but that's what my Haynes manual helped me figure out.

I thought I'd share in case someone else is using the factory switch like me. Other than that difference your post helped me a lot!


Thanks BigRondo for that writeup! I just did what the OP is asking except on a 96 explorer. Your instructions helped a lot.

However, if using the factory fog light switch (at least in 95-01), it works differently than your aftermarket switch and has to be wired differently it seems. I had a bit of the factory harness that came with the switch.

The only modifications to your instructions:
Term #87 connects to positive on fogs, AND tan/orange switch wire
Term #85 goes to the Light-Blue/Black-striped wire on the switch harness.
Term #86 goes to the splice in the parking light circuit (brown wire)

Also on the switch:
black - goes to suitable ground
Lt-Blue/Black-stripe - to Term #85
Tan/orange - goes to the Fog lamp positive circuit(aka terminal #87)
Red/Black-stripe - I have no idea what this does. I left it alone.

If you examine the difference, its basically switching the sequence of the relay and switch because the factory switch doesn't illuminate the LED off of the switched line, the switch just grounds the circuit. Strange, but that's what my Haynes manual helped me figure out.

I thought I'd share in case someone else is using the factory switch like me. Other than that difference your post helped me a lot!


Your welcome. :thumbsup:

Nice job on the install. :biggthump
