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Air Horns ?

that's what messed up alec's times is what Alec said. mine are fine.

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Sorry if I was confusing.

Dust and stuff did get in the horns, but that doesn't matter. What happened to me is the compressors failed.

Where do you buy these? I'm thinking of a dual-tone trombone-like chrome horn, probably identical to mack trucks. any noise ordinance issues?

harbor freight

check autozone or pep boys, autozone near me has the dual horns set up for $40 including the compressor.

Definitely make some type of plastic enclosure for the air compressor.

It won't last long out in the elements.

I mounted my air compressor and reserve air tank where the stock jack was in the back and put the air hose up the side into the head liner. The air horn I have is like the Mac Truck horn they sound awesome and need a bit of air pressure to run them, but the added benefit is that I can fill my tires if I have to.

Wolo makes a real nice- REAL reliable air compressor. The kit has a 1.5 gallon reserve tank.

I've got the soleniod switch type...they also sell the chain valve type.

I had a set of Hadley Air Horns- that's what they put in the Macs- the horns were slammin! But the air compressor s#cked! They made warranty replacement too much of a PITA- so I went with the Wolo.

Nothing but praise for the Wolo setup.

When I get around to fabbing a back bumper to match my front I'm going to build a bigger reserve tank into the bumper.

One last time- cover the pump! At least from above and let it pull air from below...

I found a sick-sounding triple horn an ebay seller has for sale, but it has no compressor. does autozone or anyone sell these for not too much? all the compressors i see on ebay are portable tire compressors.

yup. what i saw is the model 837. And the model 800 is the compressor I'd need. would it be a bad idea to hook this up to the factory alarm? so when i hit the "panic" button the air horn goes off? I wonder how long the compressor will still supply air if the alarm is actually triggered.

If you get the pump set up that has the reserve tank you'll get a few good blasts.

One option is to hook straight to the battery and let it refill as needed, but if you end up with a leak or something it may run your battery down.

Besides if you've got the Mac type horns or anything that loud- your neighbors will hate you! Or worse call the Police. One reason why I didn't hook mine to the alarm.
