Am I really the only one who does this ? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Am I really the only one who does this ?

I, like many here am obsessed with keeping my Ex as clean as possible.
One little trick I have been doing long before I got the Explorer, and for some reason it seems no one else I have asked, or I have seen does this.

Keep a few packs of Handi-Wipes in your glove box so when you get back in your Ex after filling up with gas, your hands dont stink up the interrior.

I mean really. I know I am not the only one here who does this am I ?

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spindlecone said:
Get off my butt, the bird is gone, see pic :eek: jeez you clean freaks amaze me.

That reminds me of the back of my roomate's Corolla. Except he had shoes and clothes and a skateboard back there too.

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i don't exactly do that but say the nozzle spills some gas on the truck i whip out the tissues to clean it off the i think i'm gona bread down and buy two seat covers for my front seats, the leather is getting trashed from me being a tad dirty when i get in

anyone know any good stuff to clean leather with?

We still like ya kevin.... :p

spindlecone said:
Get off my butt, the bird is gone, see pic :eek: jeez you clean freaks amaze me.

HAHAH WHAT the FU*CK. making me hungrey

... Ok cleaning your hands after each time you fill up? OK OCD? How do you get gas on your hands everytime? I mean yeah, some times you try to put more gas in there than that sucker can hold and it shoots out on ya, but not every time?

what do i care, i have tan interior with a red drivers seat.

I don't use handiwipes, but occasionally I will use the papertowels beside the pump to hold the filler in the bad parts of town. There are some F'd up people out there who purposely would put bad **** on there and hope someone gets it. It's not the gas at all. By NO means do I have OCD, you should see the back of my truck :D

No I do not get GAS on my hands, but you pump that stuff and then smell your hand.

Trust me your hands will smell like gas.

**** ? Maybe so ? Obsessive ? Yeah sure.
My truck, not yours. So bite me.

omg spindle wtf...lmao
im sitting here eating rotisserie chicken from boston market...or i was
even it you staged that, it's still a bit twisted. :thumbsup:
i keep my ex pretty clean, sometimes. i have a crack in the windshield and some scratches/dings here and there so its not a priority.
you should see the gigantic cigarette burn hole in my passenger seat...:rolleyes:

Those were some hot wings from the county fair last summer, I must clean the stuff out
