Announcing Apten Chip For X-Charger! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Announcing Apten Chip For X-Charger!

Apten will supply Explorer Express with computer chips for the upcoming V6 SOHC supercharger. Brian recently spent time on the dyno with an X-Charger equipped Sport Trac. He was able to add over 20 rear wheel horse power by working his magic to this pre-production kit. The base horsepower at the rear wheels with the supercharger was 221.9 (rwhp) 249.6 torque. After the tuning he managed 244.7 (rwhp) 276.2 torque. This chip will be available as an option to the X-Charger kit. They will be available from EE for $290 + shipping. The supercharger kit will include 80 psi injectors, high pressure fuel pump and a custom calibrated 80mm Pro-M Mass Air Sensor. The introductory price on the X-Charger kit will be $3995. We are still finishing a few details on the kit. We have applied for CARB approval. We will be doing CARB testing before the end of the year. We will announce when the production kits will be available.

I will soon be announcing a special project vehicle that will utilize the V6 SOHC X-Charger. Stay tuned!


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We purposely limited the horsepower to protect the engine & trans. We think that over 300 hp would challange the 4 speed & 5 speed tranys. How long the engine/trans lasts depends on the maintenance of the vehicle through it's life and the way it is driven. Anything over 75k would be questionable. But on the other hand, a poorly maintained engine that is ran too hard won't last long either. The bottom line, when you add a powerfull udgrade such as a supercharger, common sense must be used. Certain drivers with the right engine could add the supercharger to an engine with 100k and drive it for a long time.

The supercharger kit does not require any special or expensive tools. It does take a competent mechanic that can follow instructions. We can doe this installation at our shop in about 5 hours including pulling the gas tank to replace the fuel pump. Yes we did create the kit and have installed a few. We will be a phone call or e-mail away for tech support.

We plan on having this kit available as long as there is demand for it. This will not be temporary availability. The 97-2000 kit still needs to be tested on a vehicle. It will be available after the other SOHC kit's come out.

Do you guys plan on making another kit that pushes more hp?

As a matter of fact..........We are working with Brian at Apten on a stage 2 kit. This would include cyl.head work, bigger injectors, mass air sensor, more boost and a custom chip. This kit would also require transmission udgrades, like different valve bodies etc. The stock trans would not take the extra power. There would be no warranty for the kit once you go to stage 2. The longevity of the engine & powertrain would definitely be compromised. This stage 2 kit is only in the experimental stage right know. We are looking at getting the standard kit out to the public first.

Time for me to be realistic here, Sorry John.

I'm not saying this will grenade the tranny, but expect a rebuild within about 2-3 years of kit installation. Maybe the 700R4 AA kit can be adapted to the SOHC?

Thanks, I just needed a plain and simple NO, instead of beating around the bush. I knew the answer, just wanted to see what they would say. Honestly I would not put that S/C on a 5R55E NEW. It would most definitely need to be rebuilt accordingly.

So based on what you guys are saying, would you or would you not recomend the Charger Kit from Explorer Express or not?

How would you go about rebuilding a 5R55E Transmission in the new 2001-2003 Explorer Sports. Would keeping that one be good or get like a T5 Tranny work. Is there a perfomance transmission for the Explorer's.

I would still get the kit. When the tranny fails, then see what your options are.

The performance from these kits is amazing. If you're already dropping $4000 on the kit to feed your addiction, then what's a tranny rebuild?

To help the tranny, have a good cooler and an internal shift kit. Also see about machining the clutch bands to fit more in the tranny (at a rebuild). Besides that there aren't really performance parts available.
