Anyone currently using a Q-Logic stock replacement sub box? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone currently using a Q-Logic stock replacement sub box?

So the Metra wiring harness is the one to use? I assume to ignore all the mach audio stuff, (amps, sub, changer) as I won't be using it. Is the harness and Dynex dash kit still available from the typical retailers?

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Faster I used what Joe recommended (brands & part no's etc). That was for the Ford (not so) Premium Audio System. I still utilized my stock amp and I believe Joe did also. His directions were spot on and a real time saver for me.

Yeah, I think everyone owes Joe a thank you. He's on top of this stuff... So, thanks Joe!

You got that right-and another thanks for posting a pic of the amp install etc. When I find the money tree to get this done I hope I can install the amp behind the panel next to the sub area (forgot how much room is there-I know it isnt much)

Faster- your truck will probably have a different harness being a '99 and a stock subbed vehicle. You can run the walk through on to find the correct one, or on Metra's website.
The Dynex kit is a Best Buy kit. The other kit (Scosche) is a Wal Mart kit.

grn- the 8" sub housing only has one spot for an amp to hookup. The stock amp which you have would have to go there. Or, you could run all new speaker wiring to the doors from your head unit, which isn't really that bad of an idea anyway- and you could toss the stock amp since you then wouldn't need it anymore since you're not using the factory wiring. The 6" sub housing (seen below) had 2 spots for the sub amp/radio amp since it was in the pre-radio on-board amp and needed both to be back there. That's when the 8" factory sub made it's debut- when they went ot the true double-DIN radios in the '98+ Ex's, they could get rid of one of the amps, (since the radio amp was now onboard the radio itself) so they could make the sub larger.

This is the 6" sub amp. JL also makes one of these, and some have modified this box to fit an 8" sub (like toypaseo) heck- if you want this one, just pay shopping and it's yours- I have no use for it! :)


...and no prob on the writeups and pics- I enjoy sharing stuff on the forum, it's made my life a lot easier when I had to wrench on stuff. :)

MIssed this post Joe--sorry. If you are going to the boneyard and find one with 8" sub hole I would rather get that. Im getting "lazy" or "irritated" with modding everything lately. Big Perfect circles arent my specialty....

I really dont want to run additional speaker wires and am considering using stock amp as it is and then getting a sub and the amp you posted.

What do think of Infinity Reference Components? Here is what was recommended:

I'll be happy to make a recommendation for your 1995 Ford Explorer. For your stated budget, vehicle fit, and brand preference specified, I recommend the Infinity Reference 6830cs speakers. You can find more information on our web site here:

Didnt know components came in ovals (6x8's). They look decent??

They're good speakers- the component part is really the small sattelite speakers. They are showing some crossovers so it looks like the door speakers are more bass, then the highs will come from the sattelites. I know quite a few people with Infiniti speakers. The only thing I'd say is that if you're going to have a sub, you may not need those- honestly- I wouldn't want any more bass than what I have now, but you may be looking for more thump. I'm more tuned for my listening, but that's what makes the world go around. Plus my other half got a noise complain at her condo after I cranked RHCP 'Higher Ground" the other night. :D

I'm skewed, because I don't think I could spend more than $100 on a set of speakers. My Kenwood KFC-C6889ie's HERE were so good to me, I bought 2 sets off eBay just to have spares. For $30, I couldn't pass them up. I think they were $69 new.

I had the Pirates of the Carribean soundtrack playing in the Ex for my little guy this weekend, and the truck was shaking- I'm really happy with this setup. :)

99 EB Stereo

Hey Joe Dirt -
Looks like you're a good source of knowledge when it comes to the radio. So some idiot broke into my explorer and tried to steal the stock subwoofer. Besides breaking the clips on the cover. He mangled the heck out of the subwoofer and never got it out. I found a replacement at the junk yard, the problem now is I can't find how to remove the subwoofer. I took off the 8 screws and now I can't find what is still holding it there.
Please help?

There is a bolt holding it from the back... :)

Hey punkin,

Joe D has been a wealth of info!!!

Sometimes I still live in the early 90's when decent Kenwood 3-ways were $199. That price for components seemed decent. I believe I paid $130 for the rear Kenwood 6x8's via a relative's employee discount in the later 90's. I think the front Polk's were around $90 and are only 2-ways as well. I was thinking the components with the tweeters would be a noticeable difference over them. I also didnt know Kenwood made 6x8 3-ways. The 6x9's I had many years ago in a Trans Am with A/D/S amp and Nakamichi cassette deck were unbelievable. Incredible Bass. I checked the link to the Kenwoods for $30-they are discontinued and sold out. For $30 on a Kenwood 3-way I wouldnt even consider Infinity components. It is only more work to install the tweeter and find a place for the crossover anyway. Now the search is on to find these $30 Kenwoods. Have never been overly impressed with the Polks-but they were a definite improvement over stock. Thanks for the advice, points, etc.

I may have lucked out on the Woody-woods... :D I bought them NIB on eBay...

I would at least find something with a rubber surround, I've always liked them better than foam surround.

I agree the Polks and the Kenwoods I installed both have neoprene/rubber surrounds.
