anyone make fender flares for the 3rd gen with no apperance package? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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anyone make fender flares for the 3rd gen with no apperance package?


Explorer Addict
November 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 XLT 4x4
Anyone know if someone makes fender flares for the 3rd gen explorers?
My explorer does NOT have the apperance package so there is no existing plastic around my wheels.

Id like to add the apperance package but it would be a nightmare trying to locate all the parts, in the same color and on top of that I think the bumper covers are different?

Also considering painting the plastic running boards with the gloss black krylon plastic paint others have used here.


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Don't put all that plastic garbage on your EX.
Keep it clean.

i don't belive the front bumper is different, but i could be wrong.
If i was you i would try to hit your local junk yards and see if they have any explorers w/ the apperiance package

Don't put all that plastic garbage on your EX.
Keep it clean.
Second that. Why would you want all that plastic. Besides the fender flares, there are covers for the front and rear bumpers and at least 3 pieces along each side to make the appearance package. Your EX looks GREAT the way it is.
Just my .02 worth.
Bill W

Don't put all that plastic garbage on your EX.
Keep it clean.

Second that. Why would you want all that plastic. Besides the fender flares, there are covers for the front and rear bumpers and at least 3 pieces along each side to make the appearance package. Your EX looks GREAT the way it is.
Just my .02 worth.
Bill W

Everyone has their own opinion, me personally i think the truck looks naked w/o the appearance package.
BTW Curtis i checked my X and i belive if you get the whole package the cading might go over the bumper meaning it might be the same bumper.

Seeing as I have posted this every subject before, I will chime in on this one. The "Appearance Package" adds boldness to the Ex. It not only makes the Ex look nicer, but it protects the wheelwells from dings of other cars or shopping carts. The package covers the existing bumper and is not a seperate bumper. I have been told the same thing, that I could visit junkyards and purchase them seperating, and just have them powder coated to any color desired since I would more than likely need them from a few since if they were found wrecked and in junkyards, chances are a few of the parts would have damage. The initial package is cheap from the factory, but I haven't found any aftermarket ones that match the ones they put on, unless you go to the dealership and pay up the nose.....I prefer the FLARE.





Is that the same truck?

I do prefer the flare too. Like you said it makes the truck look bolder. Did you change your door handles too?
I like it...

Nah...The top one was in a collision and was totalled. My wife insisted on another EX and since we had such a great experience with it, I searched till I found one. The top one is a 02 2WD 4.0 FFV while the bottom one is our current one, a 05 4WD 4.0 FFV with third row seating. It has 43,000 miles and we recently drove it on a trip and drove like a champ.
I called a local junkyard and they were the ones who told me they had a few EXs with the flares and that they could be removed and painted to match. I am going to someday go in and take a look and see how much it will cost to get this done. It just looks naked without them and IMHO, looks a lot better with them.
I also dont have the keyless entry pad on the door and will see about adding that. My wife tends to lock herself out a lot
While I am at it, I might also see about taking the alarm system off another EX since mine doesnt have it and also the rear-view mirror dimmer. Then the truck will have everything the first one had plus a few extras....
