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anyone Paint Grill?

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Of course you can do it. Just take the grill off the truck. Sand it down with medium grit sand paper, then use the fine grit to finish off. Clean it dust free. Spray it with primer and then paint with black paint. If you feel you made a mistake just sand it down lightly and paint it again. This should be easy DIY. Shouldn't cost you more than half of that one on eBay.

you might look into finding an already black one.... explorers of the lower end models like xl and fleet vehicles normally had stock black grilles

I am pretty sure all the 1st gen. sports came with black grills to.

here's the thing. i got a black one off ebay, and i had to paint it anyway. it was just black colored plastic, not painted black, so i had to get it painted to match the truck paint anyway. so if you can, just paint yours black.

I have done this on my first gen, and it isn't difficult at all. I just took the grill off and went and got some gloss black paint and gave her a few good coats. Sanding is kind of questionable because it is chrome colored plastic, so I just cleaned it lightly roughed it up and it looks great. Make sure you do the headlight bezels as well.


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that does look good, im convinced im gonna do it soon,

pissant-have any pics?

Sorry, I currently am in Tucson because I'm in school at the University of Arizona, I won't be back home at Phoenix for a while so I can't do anything for pictures right now. It came out looking pretty good with a few coats of gloss black, it is sprayed so it is glossy but there isn't a distinct reflection, it is dulled down a little bit. I like it because it really sets it apart especially with a brown explorer
