Anyone Running Dual-Alternators? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone Running Dual-Alternators?

simple and works I like it.when I'm done with all these project I'm going to do this.

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yea but how do you wire it lol, mines the same :O

i have a piece of 0 gauge connected to the nut on the back going to the batt then there are 2 plugs a 1 wire and a 3 wire! the 1 wire plug is for a volt gauge then u only need to power the yellow wire in the 3 wire plug to activate the stator which i use a toggle switch

hrmm, then you have both alts charging one system? can you just leave it on all the time? what if you were to connect the yellow to the one on the other alt? what are the other two wires for? :p


go to the junk yard and cut the plug and harness off with as much slack as possible and splice it into the one on your truck so you can have the plug and don't really need to know where to hook everything up too.then just run a 2 or 4 gauge to the battery from the nut

like this? just being overly cautious cuz i don't want to burn down my truck..

small red wire is stock charging system wiring, thicker ones are O gauge. also trying to figure out how to use "big three" and also no overcharge the main battery.

Im gonna let you in on a secret.... (well not really a secret,lol)

It is basically a 12v battery with the discharge rate of capacitor... There are many different models but this is my favorite and can be had for about $225.00. Its only 5lbs and is very small!

The best thing ever invented for car audio... one batcap 400 is the equivelant of something like 150 farads or something like that, I forget...

Anyway, back when I used to have...
-850watts running 6 component sets
-850watts running 3 HX2 fosgate 10"

With 1 yellow top and a 200 amp alt I would get bad dimming.... Also if you ran the stereo with the truck off it would not start after about 20-30 mins....

I installed 1 batcap 400 and I could bump the stereo at full throttle for over an hour and a half and still start the truck and drive off!!!! No dimming whatsoever! I would recomend it to ALL

any ideas on how i should wire all this up?

a high output alternator would kick that 130amp alt's ass...

I know where you can get 200, 250, 300, and 350 amp alts, custom built, with overdrive pulleys even if you wanted.

Problem solved with a 3 or 350.


I would be worried about belt slip with that setup.don't look like you have very much belt wrap on that AC or power steering.

Waiting on a longer belt and I have an idler pulley to accommodate for that. But it drives fine and I have no issues so far. Paid $170 for the bracket off a gentleman off here and got another alternator at the junk yard for $22. And I've got 260 amps to play around with. I'm happy.

It actually just so happened my f-250 belt was just long enough to make work without the idler pulley that pulls the belt around the ac them loops back up to the second alt, the belt then goes around the fan/water pump and back around the ps then to the crank. I believe..

And, where did you locate the second battery for this dual charging system? You did seperate the charging system into two distinct/separate systems, right?

And, where did you locate the second battery for this dual charging system? You did seperate the charging system into two distinct/separate systems, right?

Nope, why would I want to seperate them?. The alternators are parallel, the second alternator gets "excited" from a light I added inside. and i see the normal 14.5 volts or so, neither alternator gets hot, and I get no more voltage drop. I was even able to turn up the gains a bit on my amplifiers.
