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Anyone work out?


Active Member
May 17, 2004
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City, State
Citrus Heights, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Well ive struggled with being a little bit overweight most of my life. I got teased and what not as a kid made me kind of shy. But about a year and a half ago i got a gym membership and slowly started going pretty seriously. I weighed about 245 when i started with not much muscle to speak of, and now im down to 215 and i have alot more visible muscle and my strenght has increased alot. I've also started dieting, eating more healthy and drinking alot more water, staying away from stuff with high sugar and what not, fast food also.

Anyone else doing anything similar? got any pointers for a quick healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner? got any questions? ive read alot and learned alot about lifting and weight loss/dieting, i can help if anyone needs some.

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I always worked out every day faithfully but because of sickness in the last year or so I have not been lately and I have gained 40 lbs. I teach Karate with a partner but am too out of shape and sick to partisipate right now and it is killing me not to.
Just part of getting older and sick. I worked some last year but that does not get anyone in shape. If I get a kick in the right place it could kill me. I will be able to work out in a few months. I can't wait. Keep it up guys and its easier to go to work out if you have a friend to go with. One will push the other if you get "gym lag"! LOL!

I have a good fat reduction diet. It is similar to the Adkins or South Beach, of coarse it is oldet then both of them. It is a basic diet. PM me with a fax # or a Address and I will send you a copy. The secret to weight loss is not to let yourself get hungry, eat by the clock not by your appitite. Many small meals every 2 to 3 hours. Very litttle high calorie foods and no charbohydrates after lunchtime.

good to see there are people who care about their health. I think i have a good enough diet plan. I dont like atkins diet and south beach, they aren't very healthy for you.

My regiment for the past umteen years had been bust my ass for nine months Febuary to October. Not a whole lot for the remaing months.
No real reason other than time and laziness.
Looks like it is almost time to dig out my gym bag.

Premiere hangs out here some where, he is a body builder if I am not mistaken.

Nice, i acctually got to the point where i was addicted to going to the gym, it was like a daily fix i had. i got burned out going every day and having a labor job. Over training is a *****, plus i hurt my shoulder. But now im good my shoulder is still ####ed but i can work out.
