are these hood scoops cool? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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are these hood scoops cool?

Originally posted by expo5.0
that could be cool. but isn't troll having trouble with the airflow through his functianal scoops?

dunno, but you could always just have them installed for non-function. though, it would be cool if they functioned, if they cause problems, maybe its not a good idea.

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Here is a Saleen hood (sittin in my garage waitin for paint) - non-functional scoops

Originally posted by FrankRizzo


Here is a Saleen hood (sittin in my garage waitin for paint) - non-functional scoops

actually, those arent really scoops; theyre "cowls." sorry to get caught up in semantics, but im a loser ;)

anyways, how much less does that hood weigh than a stock hood?

Technically the're fake cowls, right?

I have no idea about the weight. Saleen calls it a "Composite" hood.

It's "composed" of mostly fiberglass......

Does anyone know if the Saleen is a functional scoop? I was thinking of doing this very thing and fabing a custom K&N flat filter ram air duct into the intake. Any ideas? Please let me know. :fire:

from the look of frankrizzo's saleen hood, those cowls are not functional.

unless you are going to redo your entire intake a functional scoop or cowl probably won't make much of a difference on an explorer. i talked with a couple of knowledgeable friends today (on who has a functional intake on an older bronco) and they don't think it will make much of a horsepower improvement. we would all be better off getting whatever style hood we want non-functionally and just fabricating some kind of a grill or below the bumper to airbox ducting. that would produce the most horsepower gain, and that is what i already have. i have 3 2" dryer ducts running from the below my bumper to my no cold air only fipk. also imo the saleen hood is way to expensive for a little weight loss and some styling. from now on my explorer is only getting parts that are either really cheap or really improve its performance

My bad i was meaning the Mustang scoop on the wanna be Saleen on page one. That is the scoop i want to and the one i want to modify to work for ram air.:fire:

why are you getting all defensive? personally, i think the hood youre getting is damn cool; its all about weight reduction :)

that's cool where did you get one for 200. That sounds like a damn good deal, and i might spring for one at that rate.

i remember seing a thread about scoops somewhere on this forum.

they used a similar scoop to the one in RTStork's pic in this thread. except they got it off an 80's mustang gt. all you would have to do is get one from a junkyard or order online, rattle can it, drill some holes and bolt it on. viola, no taped on look.

if you invested some time searching online, i'm sure you could find some aftermarket bolt-on scoops similar or better than the tape on scoops you were considering.

i only spent a little time but i managed to find a couple of bolt-on scoops for cheap.

mp motorsports

from the menu on the left click on cobra and bolt on hood scoop. the cobra is $35 plus $10 shipping. the bolt on is $38 plus $16 shipping.

i don't know that this is what you're looking for, but maybe someone else will be interested.

ok, i guess i was wrong. i looked through over 200 search results on lycos and skimmed some other search engines as well and didn't find anything else besides the ones at mp

that's cool where did you get one for 200. That sounds like a damn good deal, and i might spring for one at that rate.

Sorry, the last post souned kind of like a flame to me....

BTW - I'd never pay $799 for a hood!! I scored at the Saleen Sidewalk Sale in September. Since I live in So. Cal, I drove down there, and they were blowing out most of the Explorer parts. They only had 2 left when I was there....
Some dude from San Diego drove up with an empty van and picked up all the leftover XP8 body parts - I was trying to hook up Alphasylum with the guy cuz she wants a front fascia, but all I have is his e-mail and he does not respond...


that would more than likely be mine. I have a pic posted some where on here. it is off a '83 mustang gt. But hey be creative, talked with one guy who is going to mod his hood like the '68 plymonth gtx. Later, Don

yeah, your truck was the one that originally inspired me to check out the hood scoops in the first place. it looks great. i just don't have the guts to cut into my perfectly good hood in order to add a scoop or a blister. the only way i can do it is if it either isn't permanent or else it is a whole new hood so that i can keep the other one laying around just in case

Expo5.0, do you have an outside email address?..besides the pm used here. I have something you might want to check out.

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