arm rest fix/a learning experience | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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arm rest fix/a learning experience


Jack from JackOffRoad
August 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 2dr
so the vinyl on my center arm rest kept peeling up and it bothered me really bad. i got tired of just tucking it between the rest and the console so i decided to do something about it. well.. it worked, sorta, looked kinda ugly but it worked.

first you need to detach the arm rest from the hinge on the console by removing 3 phillips screws. i was left with this..


next remove the phillips screws holding the plastic plate on the bottom of the arm rest and you are left with this


these are the tools i used, i use to have a stretch clamp from attaching canvas to frames for painting, but a pair of pliers with a curved head did the trick


basically what i did was grab the vinyl with the pliers with the head agaisnt the arm rest and roll the pliers back to put tension on the vinyl, then very unskillfully stapled the vinyl to the plastic inner support


after you get everything secured you can re-install the plastic retainer, but be very careful. if your staples are not flush with the vinyl and you over-torque the small screws you will crack your plastic


re-attach the arm rest to the hinge on the console and youre done. not a very 'professional looking' job but there are no folds or creases and the vinyl is secure. i use to do much better jobs replacing seat covers on motorcycles but have been out of practice so to speak (sold my bikes).

hope this can be of some help for all the DIY'ers out there.
