At a total loss, need some help/advice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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At a total loss, need some help/advice


Active Member
October 28, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Camas, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer XLT
Hey guys,
Some of you may be familiar with my AAMCO transmission rebuild story where they rebuilt it and it still slams into gear from park and has a horrible rough shift from 2 to 3. They told me this was normal because I have to break in the tranny. 3 months later, same issues. I have since brought it back to them 4 TIMES and they have not fixed the issue. The O/D light will start flashing whenever I turn my truck on and then go away after about a minute. They told me the code was attributed to faulty temperature sensor. I brought it back to them again and they are now saying that the rough shifting and the O/D light is because my entire computer is faulty and is sending wrong signals to the tranny and needs to be completely replaced. They quoted me $2600 for just the part not including labor to install it. On top of that they are refusing to honor my warranty anymore unless I pay for the computer module repair, because it would then be my fault if the transmission gets damaged since I did not get the computer repaired AND he suggests I dont drive the vehicle at all until I fix the computer. I obviously think this is all BS so I called the Ford Dealership and the service manager there said that I am getting taken for a ride and that he thinks that reflashing my computer is the route to go. What do you guys think? At this point im not sure what to do or how to fix this issue. I cant afford to not drive this car.

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Unfortunatly right now you are kinda stuck. However I see options.
What was the ORIGINAL thans issue? If you have a "computer" issue, as indicated, could have AAMCO mis-diagnosed the problem and replaced a perfectly good trans? (I know the words "perfectly good trans" should not be used when speaking of a 3rd gen, cuz is there one?) If there is a bad temp sensor, why will they not put a new one in? Sounds kinda silly for what it costs...

Anyway, you may be better off going else where and having it fixed. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Then go back to them when its fixed to get a refund. If they do not play nice then you can seek a claim in small claims court. Also, contact AAMCO Corporate. Most, if not all, Aamcos are franchises. I doubt they would like to hear that a shop was not accommodating a customer. My cousin ownes 2 in Texas and takes pride in his business. He would bend over backwards to resolve this issue.

thanks for the advice guys. I went down there today and the manager said that the ECM itself costs over 2100 bucks. part only. I called the ford dealer and the service manager told me he has never heard of having to replace a computer and he will re flash it for me to see if that helps. ALSO. a BRAND NEW OEM ECM from ford costs 600 bucks. where did 2100 come from? The original issue with the trans was that all the bands went and needed a new torque converter and various other parts. so rebuild. they said that the computer went out AFTER they rebuilt the tranny

thanks for the advice guys. I went down there today and the manager said that the ECM itself costs over 2100 bucks. part only. I called the ford dealer and the service manager told me he has never heard of having to replace a computer and he will re flash it for me to see if that helps. ALSO. a BRAND NEW OEM ECM from ford costs 600 bucks. where did 2100 come from? The original issue with the trans was that all the bands went and needed a new torque converter and various other parts. so rebuild. they said that the computer went out AFTER they rebuilt the tranny

service shops always charge way more for any part than you could get it for yourself, and a $1500 upcharge is outragous, in the past Ive bought parts myself and had shops install them, one way to say a few bucks

yeah I know shops upcharge but that was out of control... Im taking it to the ford dealer to get it flashed to see if that helps but I guess if not I need to take it to another shop to get it looked at. probably a mom and pop place this time around

being that you have already talked to ford on the issue the best thing i could see here is just have ford diagnose it. i mean they see these things every day chances are they are going to know what the issue is with in 1hr of pulling it into the service bay. then based on what they find take documented proof to your trans builder. I think your being taken for a ride from the sounds of things.

being that you have already talked to ford on the issue the best thing i could see here is just have ford diagnose it. i mean they see these things every day chances are they are going to know what the issue is with in 1hr of pulling it into the service bay. then based on what they find take documented proof to your trans builder. I think your being taken for a ride from the sounds of things.

yeah a ride is a nice way to put it. Ill have to see what ford has to say about the issue. thanks!
