Atila Level II | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Atila Level II


December 31, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 ranger level II
Bought it 3 years ago and did a couple of mod on it. I mainly use it for camping and to transport my atv (yamaha kodiak also modded for rockcrawling).
It has a 3 inch bodylift
33-10.5-15 superswamper tsl
custom over cab rack
Tube front bumper with a 10 000lbs titan winch
Two spare 1000 amp batterie under the bed at the place of the spare
Cb radio with a 6 feet firestick antenna for trail use only
Trailgear rock slider
Removed seat in the back and rack for the jack, then installed a custom fuse box and splitter for the batterie and all non oem electrical addition.

Still to do list
raise all the mecanic 3 inch so the ill be able to reinstall the oem shift boots and will be nearly flat to the frame under except the gas tank
for the end of winter ill add a front rubicon dana 44 modded so it doesnt bend

Heres a link for some pic Its mainly pic of the truck and some of people with who i ride once in a while

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Saw one that kept the shifter but he had to cut in it so both shifter could go in all position. It didnt affect the outside look of the bezel

Here some new pic of what is to come.



9 inch, detroit, superior axles, disc brake conversion, modified housing for the abs sensor and abs ring fitted to the detroit. Now if i can just finish my front 44 with arb airlocker, superior axles and modified hub for abs (if where able to fit it) ill be able to install everything. The king coilover where ordered today should have them next week then ill have everything for the sas.

P.s. The front 44 in the third pic is not mine its goes on a jk 2009 my friends or installing a 6 inch teraflex with a retube and gear of the front diff and gear in the rear. here the truck last friday

and the modified 44

The installation has started (nearly finish in reality), just 2 more days of work.



Was able to keep it ford for the most part, only the sway bar disconnect and the rad fan comes from jeep

nice work! are you going with 35s on the 44/9?

35 for this summer but im starting to think about some 37 for next summer. I already find them to small for the heigh the truck has

How tall are the coilovers? I wanna see some flex shots!

Truck not finish yet, still missing weld on the rear spring perch, front sway bar and driveshaft. The coil have 14"of travel. At ride heigh i have 5" up and 9" down.

...Any updates on this yet?..:popcorn:

lol forgot about this post, couple of updated pic


Its no more my dd, i bought a bran new ram 1500 to tow the ranger after i had a wheel bearing failure on it. Changed the 35 for some 39 krawler with spiderlock wheel. It has perform very well in the trail last year on 35 but wow the 39 are another story

after a week of work it pass from this

to this

more pic soon
