Auto headlights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto headlights


January 7, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
lake in the hills IL.
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 XLs
Hi i was wondering if anybody ever added the auto light system to their explorer

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idk, about adding the feature, but it is standard on the XLT model i believe...

come standard on my 03 Limited

If it is standard on those.. is it possible to add to my XLS?

It came standard on my 94 X, but I did have to redo all the wiring and replace my rear-view mirror. If the auto-lights are controller by the rear-view like in the 1st gens, I can give you a hand.

it looks like all wiring is their, but when i went to go add the relay to the fuse box under the hood their was no connections for it. Does anybody know if you can remove that the fuse box. Thanks ben
