AWD ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 29, 2004
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I have tothe opurtunity to try and buy a 97 i believe (not quite sure on year)AWD explorer. It is the V8 AWD version. I know the potential of the engine being a muscle car driver first truck second,,,but what i want to know is are there any major problems modding...or lifting..or just any perks or problems with the AWD models

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the awd is a great truck... it uses a system that isnt lift friendly wihout spending a lot of $, but there are ways to lift it staying realtively cheap for a few inches... bodylift, shackles, soa, torsion bar crank

I have 120k on the engine and trans and not a single problem with them. However, being a former 10 sec. Mustang owner, there almost nothing for the X. Take this warning for what its worth. If you are up for minor mods then maybe it is ok. If you are in for anything else, think twice.

What makes the AWD system not like lifts, I was always under the impression that aside from the t-case that the AWD and 4WD were almost identical.

They are... Its the 95-97 that just isn't exactly lift friendly... Its because the torsion bar mounts are welded to the frame instead of bolted... Ford pulled their heads out starting in 98 and bolted them on instead...
