axle back muffler? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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axle back muffler?


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2009
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City, State
Metairie, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew if I could buy an axle back muffler from a mustang and make it work where our stock mufflers are with the piping going all the way to the back. I found this muffler and looked it and sounds amazing to me. Its the muffler used on the Shelby GTs and they say that there is no drone in the inside.

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If you were wondering the only reason i went from the flowamster 40 to the cherry bomb turbo is because my sister is trying to get her drivers license with my car.


Are you sayin to cut out the muffler put in a pipe and stick that one on the end, ive never seen it done but i guess it could be done

Not exactly. The "axle back" muffler would go where the stock one is and then have the pipe and tip out the back like a normal one.

This seems to be the mufflers he is running. He also has an X-pipe + dual mufflers, so the sound will be different than what you'll get. It'll be close enough though.

If you are wanting to quiet your ride down, then get a FM 70(my pick) or a turbo muffler from the autopart store. Either will be MUCH cheaper than the GTA mufflers and be quieter. The 70 is louder than stock, but easier on the ears than a FM 40/cherry bomb.

But to answer your question, yes you can put the muffler(GTA) in place of where your stocker would go.
