Axle ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Axle ?


January 2, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
las vegas,nv
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt 4x4
Yesterday i kicked my tire and heard a thunk. It sounds like the wheel was moving in and out. Today i jacked up the rear end and i can slightly move the wheels in and out on both sides. I don't know if this is normal on a 4x4.

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First question...are you lug nuts tight? If they are tight, it could be your wheel bearings. Hear any unusual noises coming from the rear end when driving?

it could also be nothing @ all and be the fact that the axle doesnt fit completely tight to the housing becasue it cant, there would be too much friction if they were completely tight......

Yes lug nuts are tight and no noise from the rear end. I should have mentioned that the first time.

Ok, about how much movement are we talking about?

Now I would guess about 1/8 inch. when i have time to take the brake caliper off to see if that is what's keeping the wheel from coming off all the way.

sounds fine what it is is your axle shaft moving the little bit cuz you have c-clips. if you was to pull your cover off and remove one clip you could slide that whole side out. So when you pull on the shaft.your c lip catches or hits the spider gear and stops it and when you push its just going in that little way. but not a prob.

an 1/8th of an inch is like this wide --->| |<----, thats like the width of the c-clip itself. You probably need a new cover gasket anyway, pop the cover off and see why its moving so much. Its probably normal like stated above, but it should only take you like 20 minutes to check. Just get 2.5quarts of Redline 70w-90 and a new Cover gasket from felpro and you'll be golden.

Good point but hes guessing here. Go jack up your ex and pull and push on the tire. One hand on top one hand on bottom. And tell me what happens. I just did and came up with the same results.

I just found the same problem in my X, no noise, tight wheel lugs...just recently had new gears installed and never noticed it b4 the new gears...but I never checked either...I'm just going to keep an eye on it to see if it worsens..
