Back-up lights and ?Ignition? issues. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Back-up lights and ?Ignition? issues.


New Member
December 12, 2009
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City, State
Grants Pass, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Explorer 4x4 EB
Problem #1: My back-up lights recently started staying on when the lights are turned on. when the lights are off the back-up lights come on when the brakes are applied.

Problem #2: The exploder randomly starts itself with the key in the ON position, and after it fires up the Bendix in the starter stays kicked out and makes a horrible high pitched grinding sound as its grinding on the flywheel.

If it's not one thing its another lol.

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cant help with the second problem - but for the first then you have something wired wrong and the backup lights are wired to your brake light. should be a pretty simple fix

Your problems sound like a bad short in your wiring.......

You should pull the starter and have it tested, but it seems more likely to me that you have a couple wires that are rubbed through.

what year is the explorer because it could be the solenoid by the battery my friend had that problem after he took it to a mechanic

what year is the explorer because it could be the solenoid by the battery my friend had that problem after he took it to a mechanic

He has 91 EB under his name, and it is posted in gen 1 stock section....

For the OP you have some wires shorting together somewhere. I'd say the two issues are not related though. Check starter and solenoid first. After fixing the "auto start" issue we can look into the back-up light issue

Some crossed wires was kind of what i was thinking from the beginning. I talked to one of my buddies about it and he was thinking the OP starting might be in the ignition but I'm not really sure. As of right now, both of the issues worked themselves out but i know it will be back soon. I don't got anything else to do today so ill tear into it a little bit and see what i can find. Ill update as soon as i can.

Well i just got done looking under the truck and found the back-up light problem. The wiring loom that goes from under the hood on the drivers side by the radiator overflow and down into the side of the transmission is pretty severely burnt and is showing a lot of bare wires. One of the wires is pretty sliced up and is only staying together by 2 strands. Looks like in the next couple days i gotta head over to the u-pull it yard and get another one :rolleyes:

Everything going to the starter looks good. I'm going to pull it out soon and take it down and get it tested to see if it might be the solenoid. If that's not the case I'm gonna assume that its gotta be something in the ignition unless someone chimes in and points me in another direction. :)
