Bad horse? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bad horse?


May 2, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Coconut Creek, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 XLT
In March, I bought a 2018 XLT and have today 4K miles on the clock. My company uses a 2017 XLT with 17K miles on the clock. The 2017 is day and night as far as punch, shifting and RPM climb, compared to mine.
With comparable use, fuel economy is better on the 2017 at 18.8 mpg compared to mine at 17 mpg to the dot.

Will performance improve on the 2018 or did I end up with a dog?


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Horse. Dog. Must be an animal lover Phil.;) Is the gearing the same on both? I'd think that 4k miles should be enough to pretty well break in the engine.


Yes I like them..
Yes, exactly the same including drive train


Are you driving the 18 on the same roads and amount of time as the 17? If you do a lot of small trips it will kill the MPG's are they the same size tires same style tires? I would not worry about that little of a difference in MPG's. There are a lot of factors that can lead to a little MPG difference.

Exact same wheels and tire size and yes, similar driving areas. I agree, not too worry about the MPG difference but wonder if they are not related since I need to have an heavier foot to get similar performances


Reason why I wonder what could be the root cause of low performance


3.39 versus 3.65 gearing?

Do I have to assume that gear ratio has changed from 2017 to 2018?


which engine for the XLT?

For the 3.5 N/A, you can get the 3.39 or the 3.65.

For the 2.3 EB, you can get the 3.36 or the 3.51.

The gear choices didn't change for 2017 or 2018.
