Ball Joints, Tie Rods, Hubs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ball Joints, Tie Rods, Hubs?


Well-Known Member
December 6, 2000
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Waukegan Il, 60087
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Sport
First off i did search... read 30 pages, and found no one with this problem.

My pass side wheel moves in and out when held from top and bottom. Your thinking Ball joints right?

Well, they do look a little worn. however the CV is moving and also the break caliper. Anyone have any idea what is causing this? Could it be a bad hub or bearing?

Anyhelp would be GREAT!

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If your caliper is moving in and out, then that is attached to the knuckle, sounds like balljoint, if it is just wheel and rotor than hub bearing. I am going thru the same ordeal, my right side lower balljoint has a little play in it.:(

I agree with X-1. The calipers are attached to the steering knuckles, so the whole steering knuckle has to be moving in order for the calipers to move. You also want to look at the tie rods and see if there is any play there too. If there is, it is most likely the inner tie rods.

I am going to pull everything apart tomorrow, to see what the deal is. I might just do new Ball Joints and Hubs anyway.
