Band saw blades, what is the best bang for the buck? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Band saw blades, what is the best bang for the buck?

I picked up my band saw a year and a half ago from an auction it came with a blade on it that lasted me about a year. When it broke, I picked up a couple new ones at Harbor Freight of varying tooth pitch to see what worked the best ($8 ea). They both cut ok, but went dull after half of a week or so of working in the garage in the evenings. So, next on the list I look up reviews of northern tool blades ($14 ea), online reviews looked good, so I picked up one last weekend. Similar to the Harbor Freight blade it went dead after a while, but it seemed like lasted a bit longer than the harbor freight blades. So, here's the delema, to get a "better" blade I'm looking at spending around $40 at the places here in town. Does anyone have some good blades that are cost competitive?

I know that Lennox and Lawson blades are good, but I cant get them here for a decent price, so I would prefer online retailers.

I found these guys online... anyone use them before?

Edit: looking for 64.5in long x .5 pitch anywhere from 10-14

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Lennox are good.... A bi-metal blade will cost more, but will easily out-last a cheap one. IIRC, that's what we use on all three of ours at work. When you start getting up into the 1" blades, we use Bahco almost exclusively as they last a LOOOOOOng time (and we hack the heck out of 'em!!)

What type of materials are you cutting?

Cutting mild steel and grade 50. Mostly tubing and flat bar in the 7ga (.18") to 1/2" thick range. Lots of 2X2 tubing.

I do see occasional grade 80 steel though.
