Bang for your all important dollar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bang for your all important dollar


May 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Victoria, BC, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT 4x4
Hey fellas, I know i'm the new guy on the block around here, but i couldnt help but notice the lack of a 'bang for your buck' thread.

So, what's your favourite bang for buck mod? top 5 perhaps ?

Let's hear em!

(if this already exists, forgive me!)

*** erk, i posted this in totally the wrong area! Could a moderator please move it to the General area? thanks! sorry for the annoyance ;) ***

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Best bang for the buck HP wise is and will likely always be NITROUS.
Not for me though!

My best bang for the buck mod to date has been GEARS

that depends.... there are tons of them.... dollar for dollar, supercharger or bottle for speed...... but you must also remember that the internals will most likely need beefing to handle either of htose.....

Hey fellas, thanks for the replys.

I wasn't specifically meaning horsepower when i said 'bang', heh :)

Though in hindsight, i shoulda been more clear ...

What are your favourite mods for your explorers, in any category?

I've got a stock explorer, and want ideas... not that I dont have any, heh ;)

1. custom wheels and tires
2.lighted visor (Lund Lunar Visor looks great)
3.Bug shield
4.rear air deflector
5.Billett grille

EE SWAY BARS!!!!! Worth every penny...and also, a good sounding exhuast is cool and can be done for around $130 if you do some hw. (Like I did :D)
