Battery Reccomendations | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery Reccomendations


Active Member
December 29, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT 4.0L 4x4
Hello All:

I am off on a business trip in Japan - my wife just called me and told me that my truck will not start without a jump. She looked at the battery (after I told her) and the eye on the battery is red. It has just started getting cold there (around 15-20 F) so I think the battery is shot. I think it is still the original Motorcraft battery - the truck is a '96 V6 107K miles.

Question is this:

She wants the battery replaced ASAP as she promised a friend she could use the truck while I am gone.

I don't want to spend the jing on an Optima - I hardly ever go off road - what is a good buy in a battery?

Specific models / reccomendations / approximate prices appreciated.

Should I be considering an Optima? Will it really last that much longer?

Thanks for your replies - I want to get my wife up and running quickly, but don't want to just send her to the Ford dealer (her suggestion) and have it cost me an arm and a leg.


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Autozone, whatever they recommend. I've had good luck with mine.

I've used autozone batteries and had good luck, but the best for my money are DieHards from sears. Whatever you do, stay away from "maintence free." If you can't add distilled water, the battery will die very very soon.

something in a group 65 will work fine... they are rated with high enough power to turn an explorer..... most standard batteries are about the same..... if you want a sweet battery (optima/orbital/pro-comp0 you gotta pay for it..... but if you dont beat the crud out of your battery, it should be fine....

Sears Die Hard; the new SUV Die Hard is a great battery.

Good luck....

just got a new diehard suv put in mine not too long ago. been great so far..

Sears Die Hard Gold Series is what I replaced mine with, no problems and great ratings from consumer reports

I used to use Autozone Duralast Gold top.. 7 year waranty (free replacment first 2 years).. they seem to last me about 4 years... they cost about $80 for the biggest one I could fit in the X.. (1st gen x..).. 1000CA 90 minute reserve

I have since switched to Exide Spiral wound gel cell since it won't leak battery acid when the truck is at wierd angles.


I've never had a problem with Motorcraft batteries. The battery in my Town Car lasted 7 years before it finally died. :eek:
