BBK Throttlebody, will it fit?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BBK Throttlebody, will it fit??


Well-Known Member
December 23, 2009
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Perth, Western Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Limited
Hey guys im looking at getting a bigger throttle body setup for my 03 V8 and am looking into the bbk unit which is a one piece throttle body and elbow. i think its listed for a mustang though, not an explorer. We dont have mustangs down here in australia so i cant compare to see if theres any difference in the setups from a mustang and an explorer. Is anyone on here running this setup on their ex? if so does it bolt straight on or r there modifications that need to be done to make it fit?

any help would be appreciated



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hey guys i really want to get this throttle body, can anyone provide some insight??

I looked into it awhile back. On BBK's site it shows a T-body for all 4.6 SOHC V8's so I assume it would fit. However. I don't know how well the existing elbow will match to the bigger T-Body. Some port matching may be required.

Matt- It's a combo that has the throttle body and elbow.

It'll fit and I believe there shouldn't be any real mods to do.

I see what you are talking about. There are some really good pics onBBK's site. Do a check of you current T-Body and elbow to see if the vacuum hose, egr, TPS, IAC, etc. look like they are in the same spot. This looks like a nice piece.

first of all, does your throttle body electronic or foot powered? The bbK 70mm is your best bet (as the 75 will cause drivabilty issues unless paired with such things like cams + heads or a supercharger. my 03 has used both the 70 and the 75mm.

first of all, does your throttle body electronic or foot powered? The bbK 70mm is your best bet (as the 75 will cause drivabilty issues unless paired with such things like cams + heads or a supercharger. my 03 has used both the 70 and the 75mm.

my throttle body is cable operated, wat sort of driveability issues did u have with urs?

the larger valve on the 75mm "Sticks" because of the increased vacuume on it. so the vehicle has a bad habbit of lunging forward when you give it the initial gas from a stand still, ive adapted and it doesnt do it anymore, bu the 70mm will perform just as well with out any driving issues.

the larger valve on the 75mm "Sticks" because of the increased vacuum on it. so the vehicle has a bad habbit of lunging forward when you give it the initial gas from a stand still, ive adapted and it doesn't do it anymore, bu the 70mm will perform just as well with out any driving issues.

finally it took me forever to find this thread hahah. zerodevil im following in your footsteps lol..i have a k&n cai coming and doing FM 50 or 70 exhaust next week. I want to do the 70mm throttle body but had a few questions:

1. Is there one such as the bbk that was mentioned that will just bolt on removing the stock one without modding anything?
2. What sorts of gains are achieved with doing this hp/mpg?
3. Do you recommend i need anything else after intake/exhaust and throttle body? id like to hold off and save up for tires for winter after all of that is done.

the intake elbow needs to be modified to attach the brake booster line but other than that no, those are the only mods you realy need to worry about. throttle body + Intake elbow. total cost shouldnt be to bad actualy, MUCH less than tires.

the intake elbow needs to be modified to attach the brake booster line but other than that no, those are the only mods you realy need to worry about. throttle body + Intake elbow. total cost shouldnt be to bad actualy, MUCH less than tires.

Modified how? got any pictures? i think the one i would buy comes with the elbow. How much of increase did u notice after this install?

Fedy, Check out professional products. They make a 70mm t-body and intake elbow. They are less expensive that the BBK. They look really nice. You can get them cheap from Look up t-bodies for 97-04 2V mustangs. I believe they chould just bolt right up, after swapping iac, tps, and egr valve.

i will only have intake and exhaust before i do this is there any way i can do this mod with out replacing iac, tps, and egr valve?

you dont need to replace ANY of those. Just need to drill a hole and place a pipe on your new intake elbow.

you dont need to replace ANY of those. Just need to drill a hole and place a pipe on your new intake elbow.

gotcha u have any pics of this ebing done or the final product?

i will only have intake and exhaust before i do this is there any way i can do this mod with out replacing iac, tps, and egr valve?

You just need to reuse your original ones.

id happily show you how i did mine, to be honest i bought some metal brake lines, and JB welded it into the elbow.
